I have a big renderproblem with all the Vegas Pro 16 builds I have (261,307, 352) with a ( less than 1 minute) smal project, holding a lot of jpg timelapse stills from my GOPro 5(4000x3000 pixels) and a few GPro 5 2,7K videofiles. The stills are first rendered to a lossless Sony YUV avi video file and after that entered into the project with the other videofiles.
Then all files speeded up max with Ctrl-Drag and after that added a velocity envelope to the files and set all at +100%.
Rendering freezes between frame 600 and 800, tried it 12 times in the different builds with and without so4-compoundplug.
After about frame 550 the render slowed down till it freezes Vegas.
Rendering in VPro 15 latest build without a problem and much faster.
I did send an error message of the latest freeze.
See the video here: https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/post-your-vegas-creations--109464/?page=6#ca708038