I discovered that HandBrake 1.0.1 64 bit was released on Dec. 24, 2016. Call it a Christmas present!
I had installed and was using the excellent Vegas to HandBrake system found in this forum. I realized that I was using a 32 bit version of HandBarke, so I uninstalled it, and downloaded and installed the 1.0.1 64 bit version.
Vegas to HandBrake stopped working - Windows complained it couldn't find Handbrake.exe.
I dug into start_vegas2handbrake.bat in c:frameserver\batch\ to add the path to the 64 bit version, but the START command choked on the space in the path name
Program Files\Handbrake
Google came up with this article on START's issues:
So I made the following mods:
start handbrake "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "Handbrake.exe"
start "" CALL "C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrake" "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "HandBrake.exe"
and the Vegas to Handbrake system works just fine.
Note that I changed not only the START command, but also changed "Handbrake" to "HandBrake" in the findstr function.