Issue: windows that are open appear empty until mouse floats over.

Lane-Tyler wrote on 11/10/2021, 11:49 AM

Multiple windows like; Media explorer, Effects, Transitions, Media Generator etc. are open and appear to have no content until I move the mouse over it.

Example: In effects I cannot see the preview thumbnails with the eyeball example until I move my mouse over that area. Then they blink into view, but still have issues.



Vegas Pro 19

ASUS ROG Mid Tower.

11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz   3.50 GHz

64GB RAM. Asus Fury Beast 3200.

Nvidia Geforce GTX 3070Ti

Windows 10 pro


Musicvid wrote on 11/10/2021, 11:52 AM

That is often a common graphics memory issue. Close other applications, avoid multitasking, also check for latest Studio driver version.


michael-harrison wrote on 11/10/2021, 2:21 PM

If simply installing the latest known-good studio driver doesn't fix the problem try a driver cleaning and reinstall with DDU

System 1:

Windows 10
i9-10850K 10 Core
128.0G RAM
Nvidia RTX 3060 Studio driver [most likely latest]
Resolution        3840 x 2160 x 60 hertz
Video Memory 12G GDDR5


System 2:

Lenovo Yoga 720
Core i7-7700 2.8Ghz quad core, 8 logical
16G ram
Intel HD 630 gpu 1G vram
Nvidia GTX 1050 gpu 2G vram


georgiaguy wrote on 9/11/2022, 10:45 AM

Any update to this? Having the same issue.

Howard-Vigorita wrote on 9/11/2022, 5:40 PM

@georgiaguy @Lane-Tyler It may be caused by a mal-behaved bloatware app named "Sonic Studio". Often slipped into Asus Realtek driver installs. See if it's installed by looking in "Windows Settings/Apps/Apps&Features" and uninstall it if you see it listed there and reboot.

georgiaguy wrote on 9/11/2022, 6:58 PM

Nope... no Sonic Studio. Any other takers?

Howard-Vigorita wrote on 9/11/2022, 8:25 PM

I found that solution for myself by going through every app I didn't recognize and uninstalling them one by one till I identified the bad guy. Try that.

georgiaguy wrote on 9/20/2022, 5:04 AM

The fix...

To reset your software, you simply need to double click the program's icon while holding down Ctrl+Shift. This will bring up a window asking if you would like to delete the cache. Check the box then click okay and your program should start.