Vegas Pro 20: One-time Purchase, Forever License?

darkentry schrieb am 25.11.2022 um 19:56 Uhr

Dear Team and Community of Vegas Pro,

im using Vegas Pro for about 8 years now.

I still love it. My question would be if Vegas Pro 20 will be a one time purchase license and we do receive limitless updates without buying a new one every 1-2 years. This would make the Vegas Workspace even more attractive to me. It’s that feeling that they got your back, magix got you covered.

Thank you all for your time!



vkmast schrieb am 25.11.2022 um 21:57 Uhr

Currently you can buy a VEGAS 365 subscription (annual and monthly options) which you can use as long as you have an active subscription. Your subscription is automatically renewed unless you cancel it (see "Purchasing details" in the Online Shop at the product pages) and you'll get all updates/upgrades (and some extra features that are not included with the non-subscription purchase options, see the product pages).

Alternatively you can purchase a new license or upgrade from a previous version. "Typically when you buy (not rent) a license for VEGAS, it includes that version (currently VEGAS 20), and all updates released for that version, which usually last for about a year before the next version drops..but there's a possibility they will stop doing numbered versions, in which case, you'd get 1 year of updates (my guess) from the time you bought it".(see here).

You can still use your software, but for updates after a year or so you'll need to renew using some kind of "an update service model"."We actually do hope the VEGAS Pro 20 is the last "numbered" version of VEGAS and that we will move to an update service type of model at some point next year." (see here).

Please note that the details of the new practice/service are not confirmed yet.

darkentry schrieb am 25.11.2022 um 22:56 Uhr

Thank you for the quick answer! I’m just going to wait for some official papers and then I decide. That all seems promising. I’m really looking forward to see an update system like DaVinci. Something like the system of AE would be terrible. I would like to own the program and update on demand for a fair price. Many times i wanted to buy the new version of Vegas Pro for the features but the price was just too high and the subscription service do be absolutely unattractive. It doesn’t need to be updates precisely every month under pressure, as long as they listen to the community and offer a few major updates every year that’s absolutely fine to me. Every year should be innovative, not every month. Give them time to breath and let them be flexible with time and they are gonna improve the software passionately. I believe in the Team of Vegas Pro and Magix in general!