A second trial?

Steve-VanBeckum wrote on 3/16/2021, 2:59 PM

I did a Vegas Pro 18 trial in November but did not buy. Now I've made some hardware upgrades and want to do another trial. However the screen say trial period expired. Any way to do a second trial?




vkmast wrote on 3/16/2021, 3:33 PM

AFAIK, "You only have one chance of trialling each version of each product" unless you have another device to try it on.

rraud wrote on 3/16/2021, 4:01 PM

You could try an uninstall with a third-party uninstaller/cleaner like Revo or Geek Uninstall and an additional registry clean afterwards, then reinstall/activate download using different email address ect. I have not tried this though, so I am not sure. Or as @vkmaststated, use another PC.