Wayne has produced for me his script that will do this job. It will also save the New Take to a Folder having automatically be given the Project's name, where the TAKES are stored.
My pleasure. Just being a good colonist. It's always a challenge to make something GrazieProof. LOL.
If there is any interest, I'll provide the Dropbox links. The main script enables one to pre-render selected events and either add as a new take or add to a new track or both. There are options to apply or disable pan/crop FX. There is also a "Mercalli" version useful for pre-rendering Mercalli-stabilized events prior to final render.
The main script enables one to pre-render Just heard a Penny Drop! - I re-read this and mentally went Douh . . . . I've been only thinking about the Event I would be working on. This one small bit of functionality: Selected Events : means I can get Takes for Split Events; non-contiguous Events AND Events on several Tracks too.
Just tested these and again it works.
Remarkable. . . .
See the Extra New Takes on these three Split Events, these were all accomplished by Wayne's ONE CLICK REAAT Script!
Former user
wrote on 8/2/2016, 7:42 AM
I would be interested in using the script as well. Thanks
to WWaag: If you could please provide an uplink for access to your Grazie solution for us....
Particularly - would like to see a summary from developer's point of view of what this script does differently from the released version of last week.
Particularly - would like to see a summary from developer's point of view of what this script does differently from the released version of last week.
You can toss that one. In fact, I removed the link. It was written in Javascript for one thing. The newer version is in C# and per Graham's request, has some options for PAL templates and also saves Takes in a pre-defined folder rather than as a sub-folder to the original file. Before I post a link, I want to make it an option of where the take files will be saved and also to add some Acknowledgements since much of the code was based on the Deshaker script written by John Meyer.