
musicvid10 wrote on 7/25/2016, 6:52 PM
Zoom all the way in on the event. Can you see a waveform? wrote on 7/25/2016, 7:34 PM
Thanks for the suggestion but I don't know how to zoom in on an audio event. wrote on 7/25/2016, 7:44 PM
By the way, I'm using Movie Studio Version 11.
musicvid10 wrote on 7/25/2016, 9:23 PM
Try the +/- buttons on the corner of the timeline scrollbars.
There are interactive tutorials at the top of your program, the Help menu, online manuals and videos, even books on Amazon, to tell you just how to perform basic timeline navigation in Movie Studio. wrote on 8/5/2016, 2:41 PM
Tried all of these. No help.
vkmast wrote on 8/5/2016, 3:13 PM
You were asked if you can see an (audio event) waveform.
If you don't see that but can hear audio, try Ctrl+Shift+W.

If that does not help, try resetting. wrote on 8/8/2016, 3:34 PM
Hey vkmast, you're terrific. I've asked a dozen different sources how to view the missing audio event waveform again and your answer was simple and correct. Thanks so much.

By he way, I've also been dealing with background hissing sound when I record narration. It's not there when I add a music file or with the resident sound of original video.I've recorded much narration in the past with no such problem. It's not the mixer, the mike or the input. I've reinstalled movie studio and there's no difference. It's somewhere in the computer or a software failure. Would it help to try resetting as you suggested before. Thanks again.
karma17 wrote on 7/21/2019, 8:51 PM

Had this very issue today. Ctrl + Shift + W fixed it. Agree with VK is terrific.