Can Movie Studip Platinum 12 accept SRT subtitles?

peterh337 wrote on 8/4/2016, 11:55 AM
Can Platinum 12 (MSP12) import an SRT format file?

I cannot find info online. All references refer to the Pro versions. I do also have Pro 13 but are having some problems with it on long renders.

Also, where is the font, size, position etc controlled from, after the import? The SRT format covers only the text and the start/end times.

The background to this question is that I am doing a flying video and have the GPS data recorded in a file. I will write a C program to convert this into SRT format, to be displayed at the bottom of the video, in some kind of monospaced font (courier etc) so it doesn't move about from frame to frame.

Many thanks for any tips.


musicvid10 wrote on 8/5/2016, 11:34 AM
Use Handbrake, which readily accepts SRT. I think subtitle / CC support in Vegas is still pretty limited.
peterh337 wrote on 8/5/2016, 11:42 AM
OK; thanks.

I was hoping to avoid the intermediate render step.

How does one specify the subtitle location, size, font?

Sorry for the dumb Q!
peterh337 wrote on 8/8/2016, 4:02 PM
Vegas (any version) cannot import SRT, it seems.

The solution, as shown e.g. here

is to use the Vegasaur plug-in.

The procedure is less than trivial - you have to follow the above video carefully, especially the procedure for creating a custom event template so the imported subtitles end up where you want them, and not spread across the frame in the default 48pt size :)

However, importing a lot of subtitles does very nearly hang Pro 13. I loaded 9000 of them (each one lasting 3 seconds) to depict longitude and latitude etc for a flying movie, before cutting most of it out. The user interface was so slow that one could only just about operate the program. I think one would just do a render to an intermediate file in such a case and then re-import that.

vkmast wrote on 8/8/2016, 4:17 PM
Program hangs while rendering or during editing, suggestion 6.
From SCS KB item # 4168, mentioned to you on another forum.
peterh337 wrote on 8/8/2016, 11:36 PM
The final result

One needs the Pro version of Vegas, to run Vegasaur.

Vegas doesn't actually hang. It just becomes very very slow in the user interface. This is OK because one will just to a render at this point anyway.