Can Platinum 12 (MSP12) import an SRT format file?
I cannot find info online. All references refer to the Pro versions. I do also have Pro 13 but are having some problems with it on long renders.
Also, where is the font, size, position etc controlled from, after the import? The SRT format covers only the text and the start/end times.
The background to this question is that I am doing a flying video and have the GPS data recorded in a file. I will write a C program to convert this into SRT format, to be displayed at the bottom of the video, in some kind of monospaced font (courier etc) so it doesn't move about from frame to frame.
Many thanks for any tips.
I cannot find info online. All references refer to the Pro versions. I do also have Pro 13 but are having some problems with it on long renders.
Also, where is the font, size, position etc controlled from, after the import? The SRT format covers only the text and the start/end times.
The background to this question is that I am doing a flying video and have the GPS data recorded in a file. I will write a C program to convert this into SRT format, to be displayed at the bottom of the video, in some kind of monospaced font (courier etc) so it doesn't move about from frame to frame.
Many thanks for any tips.