Can not find serial number for "Acid Pro"

Zinique-YT wrote on 9/15/2023, 3:05 PM

I have recently downloaded the software Acid Pro that is now included in the Vegas Post subscription. But unfortunately my vegas post serial number does not work when I try to open the software (it does work for vegas pro). I also can't find it in my registerd products. How can I recieve my serial number?


vkmast wrote on 9/15/2023, 3:30 PM

Try contacting (and include your purchase info) if you can't find it in your order confirmation email from MAGIX (or haven't got that email, check your email spam folders first).


rraud wrote on 9/15/2023, 5:47 PM

Hi @Zinique-YT, your Acid activation serial is unique so using the Vegas serial is futile as you experienced.
The activation serials for Acid, Sound Forge and other software that is included with VP, should be in the email message you received from Magix after purchasing Vegas Post.
If you do not have the email or the serials are missing, contact Magix as @vkmast stated.