Crash help

Downunder wrote on 7/21/2016, 6:55 AM
Hi all

I keep having a crash on VP13 re the below crash report, can any kind person(s) help me with this issue...

File: C:\Users\Lee Video\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\13.0\dx_video_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Lee Video\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\13.0\svfx_video_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Lee Video\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\13.0\ocio_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Lee Video\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\13.0\dx_grovel_x64.log
File: C:\Users\Lee Video\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\13.0\gpu_video_x64.log
File: E:\Frontier software July 2016 work\Version 2\F_S video July 2016 Version 2.veg

Problem Description
Application Name: Vegas Pro
Application Version: Version 13.0 (Build 453) 64-bit
Problem: Unmanaged Exception (0xc0000005)
Fault Module:
Fault Address: 0x00007FFB33C9A9F3
Fault Offset: 0x00007FFB33C9A9F3

Fault Process Details
Process Path: C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 13.0\vegas130.exe
Process Version: Version 13.0 (Build 453) 64-bit
Process Description: Vegas Pro


ushere wrote on 7/21/2016, 8:04 AM
what's on your tl, and what settings is the tl, and finally when exactly is it crashing?

oops. if it's crashing on start up maybe a 'clean' reinstall....
vkmast wrote on 7/21/2016, 8:39 AM
Tried turning GPU acceleration off?
(SCS KB item 5098)