Duration of a clip

pioneer109 wrote on 8/8/2016, 1:58 AM
Using Sony platinum 12 I am struggling to find somewhere to physically set the duration of a clip. I have an image which displays for approx. 5 seconds with a text overlay which I want to alter the duration of exactly. TIA John


vkmast wrote on 8/8/2016, 7:29 AM
I prefer to double-click the image event. That creates an event length selection area. Then right-click the text track in that selection area to get a menu where you will be able to Insert Text Media. It will be the length of your image. If you want to change that text plug-in that opens, click Replace Plug-in button in that Media Generator window.

Another way is set the desired duration in the Video Media Generator window. That creates a notch (triangle) at the top of the event on the timeline. Drag the right end of the event to match that. In up to MSP 12, the event length is shown in the lower right corner, third box, if you double-click the event first. In MSP 13, click event, see first box.
Steve Grisetti wrote on 8/8/2016, 7:31 AM
You can also right-click on the clip in Project Media or on the timeline to open it in the Trimmer. In the Trimmer you can type in the timecode to set precise location for the clip's in point and out point.
vkmast wrote on 8/8/2016, 8:00 AM
My assumption was that the OP needs to alter the duration (i.e. shorten OR lengthen) of the text overlay to match the image.
pioneer109 wrote on 8/8/2016, 10:24 AM
Thanks to all responding on this, will try all suggestions and see what works best for me. Thanks once again.