Insert slideshow function

margaret-taylor wrote on 3/8/2013, 7:22 AM
Hi .. I've just moved from Movie Studio 12 to Pro 12. I used to be able to use the Insert Slideshow command easily to add still photos to my projects. But the command isn't there in Pro 12. I looked in Help and saw the instructions to go into Tools, Preferences etc but this doesn't seem to give me as easy a way as Movie Studio. Am I missing something?


Chienworks wrote on 3/8/2013, 7:26 AM
I'm pretty sure this function only exists in the Studio version. The product comparison page seems to agree.
vkmast wrote on 3/8/2013, 7:39 AM
you can have both MSP 12 and VPro 12 installed. Copy your MSP 12 slideshow and paste into VPro 12.
margaret-taylor wrote on 3/8/2013, 7:51 AM
Thanks both for your quick replies. I will move msp slideshow as you say vkmast. Thanks again
margaret-taylor wrote on 3/8/2013, 8:28 AM
Mmmmn.. it doesn't work and I'm not sure why. I found the Slideshow .dll file and copied it to Pro 12. It didn't appear automatically under the Insert command so I had a look at the file in explore, right clicked and tried to open it with pro 12. The programme opened but an error message appeared saying Pro 12 does not recognise the file's format? Can anyone advise me further please
vkmast wrote on 3/8/2013, 8:37 AM
I just did a slideshow in MSP 12. Copied that from the timeline and pasted into VPro 12 timeline.
If you don't want to have both programs installed, try the Vasst Fasst App Still Motion.
Former user wrote on 3/8/2013, 8:40 AM
You don't want to move the dll. That won't work. You need to build the slideshow in MSP and then copy the timeline and paste it to Vegas Pro.

Dave T2
margaret-taylor wrote on 3/8/2013, 8:42 AM
Great! Yes, that works. Thanks very much again for your replies
NormanPCN wrote on 3/8/2013, 10:08 AM
I would second the motion that you should check our Vasst Still Motion. It is only $10, and it massively better than the tool in movie studio.