Greetings all, having great results using
Mercalli V4 Stabilizr while in Vegas but when I render the final video it has no effect at all. I am using the analyze feature before rendering but no results. Any help please?
Firstly I've been rendering out using Merc4 Plug quite happily. Secondly, as rendering is PC intensive, would you mind filling out your PC specs? Here's the Link to"Please fill out your System Information in your profile"[/link]
The line "Make sure to check the "Display system information on my forum profile page" checkbox on your forum settings page" seems to have gone unnoticed.
If it looks good in preview, but not when rendered, then you have another problem. Sounds like somewhere you are disabling effects. Make sure that you don't have all effects disabled in the little split screen preview icon on your video preview window. As an aside, it works perfectly for me. I would also suggest using universal rather glidecam.
Ok this is maddening. First you were right I had Bypass fx pushed. thank you for reminding me. But now I have it set correctly and it still is not working.
Update: well, I am getting results. I went back to vegas 12 (even though the manual say 13 required) and deleted all the mercalli fx, then went back and reanalyzed and checked "match project settings" and saved as an avi and it worked, really good. So now I have to see if I can get results for the entire video. Hope this helps someone
Update 2 Looks like the trick for me was check "match project settings" on render setting. Now it's all good in 12 and 13
I don't hang around this forum much anymore, but in the past I've had the best luck with stabilization by following the following principle.
[I]When stabilizing video in Sony Vegas using the internal stabilizer or Mercalli plugins, best results are obtained when matching properties of source footage, project properties and render properties. If render properties must be different, render to an intermediate or a new track.[/I]
Back 3-4 years ago, I made many posts on this problem. Search on my user name and "Mercalli"
I had this problem too a while back, someone here told me that you HAD to render out to exact frame rate or Mercalli didn't work for the render. (I was rendering 50p to DVD compatible frame rate) Never had a problem since.
I've had this problem with both Mercalli versions 2 and 4 plugins. Never figured out what causes it but it seems making sure to match media and project properties may be part of it.
Don't change the frame rate of your project :). I found changing from 29.97 to 59.94 caused mercalli to give the dreaded reanalysis needed screen precisely at 50% of every clip. Took me a while to figure out what caused that.
Prerendering out to a new clip saves all kinds of anguish and speeds up later renders too.
Mercalli has been generally worthless when I've contacted them for technical support even though there are several obvious bugs in their products. According to them it is always something wrong with my setup.
Thanks guys for this old thread. FIrst crack at using the Mercalli that came with VP14 and I had this exact render problem --- and found the right solution here. Long live the Vegas Forum!
Without doubt some of the best stabilization I have had for my clips have been the inbuilt stabilizer (MerV2) when set at default options, it can slightly float the image in some cases. There have been a few clips (4K) which it does not like and has crashed halfway through, if this happens I then try MerV4. MerV4 is Ok if you want rock steady.