Movie Studio 11 GPU acceleration?

ozymandias wrote on 7/12/2016, 3:10 PM
I have Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 build 322 and I'm trying to get it to allow GPU acceleration.
I've set up a custom template and selected "Render using GPU if available" and checked to see that CUDA is available, but in my video tab of my preferences there's NO LINE for choosing "GPU acceleration of video processing"
I tried downloading the CUDA toolkit, but it didn't magically make this line show up in my prefs.
Is there something that I can do?

BTW, I have a GeForce GT 610 (CUDA enabled)...



vkmast wrote on 7/13/2016, 9:59 AM
VMSP 11 does not have that in Preferences as you've noticed. It was added to MSP 12 and 13.

From "features" in the VMSP 11 Product Page (no more on the site):
"Support for GPU-accelerated AVC rendering using the Sony AVC plug-in."

In v11 release notes:
"GPU-accelerated rendering performance will vary depending on your specific hardware configuration. If you have an older CPU and a newer GPU, rendering using the GPU may improve render times."

You might find some forum threads on the topic if you do a "Search".