Thanks Steve. I'll see if they'll update the upgrade offer option. Meanwhile I hope someone in the know will explain the case of the missing DVD Architect.
@Steve: You should find the serialnumber & download url in your shop confirmation mail. Also if you purchased with your MAGIX Account you'll find both in your product list @
That's very helpful, m2016! I'm kind of surprised to find out that DVD Architect Studio has a separate installation and that I have to go all the way to my account to find it -- but with your help, I did find it and it should work find now! Thank you!
No problem - but as I said - the serialnumber & download is also in your shop confirmation mail from where you took the serialnumber for VMS14. Please take a look at it, there are also the serialnumbers for Music Maker & NewBlue.
To find the serialnumbers in the Service Center is just an additional service to find your MAGIX serialnumbers & downloads in one place.
In my email from Magix there are 4 links to d/l: MVMS Plat, VDVDA, and 2 others , NewBlue VEGAS Movie Studio 14 Platinum Complete AND Music Maker---along with the serial numbers for the 4.
I bought the V13 with a free upgrade a month ago. I've been on the road and my laptop is full--no room to install those big programs. Sony allowed 2 installs as long only 1 was run at the same time--not Magix they allow only 1 install, so I can't even install it to try it out!
Sony allowed 2 installs as long only 1 was run at the same time--not Magix they allow only 1 install, so I can't even install it to try it out!
This information is not correct. You got serialnumbers beginning with "P3-", right? These serialnumbers have a license seat configuration that can be managed by yourself! How many seats your specific serialnumber has got you can see in your MAGIX Account after registering the serialnumber (no installation needed for that!):
Self managing means for example that you can see on which device the serialnumber is used and also you can remove one device a month. Via the installed product you can remove its device directly in the product (help menu) to activate it on another device with no extra time-delay.
Even after years of working with this program, I committed the rank amateur error of not scrolling down my activation e-mail. It's all there, just as it should be.