
vkmast wrote on 2/8/2021, 4:33 AM

This forum is a user forum and we cannot give refunds. You have seen the discussion here.

Please try and explain your issue(s) and maybe forum users are able to help. Ask VEGAS Support starts from here.

You could at least try if resetting would help in this case. Full instructions here.

Kenneth-Underwood wrote on 2/8/2021, 1:42 PM

first off thanks for being very active on here. second the best way to explain it without images is thati have the video placed in my timeline, i open up the video fx tab, i zoom into the timeline to move only by single frames, i move a single frame in the timeline and it never loads and eventually crashes.

Kenneth-Underwood wrote on 2/8/2021, 2:22 PM

it appears after i started complaining and i reset the cache it appears to be working. sorry.

vkmast wrote on 2/8/2021, 2:26 PM

Thanks for coming back and confirming what worked for you. Always appreciated.