My picture materials in VEGAS Pro preview window display in 0 - 255 (same as Potplayer and Youtube)
but my video materials display in 16 - 235 (more grey than Potplayer and Youtube) in VEGAS Pro preview window.
If I apply SeMW's "PC" or VEGAS Levels' "studio RGB to computer RGB" to preview window or trackFX,
It will make picture (-16) - 275 (more contrast than Potplayer and Youtube) in preview window, video 0-255 (same as Potplayer and Youtube) in preview window.
How can I make them all display in 0-255 (same as Potplayer and Youtube) in preview window?
I need to do a accurate color grading, so I need a all 0-255 (same as Potplayer and Youtube) preview.
My pictures and videos are distributed in all tracks and position of the timeline. They are messy. I can't apply SeMW or VEGAS Levels to preview window or trackFX because it will hurt picture event make them preview in (-16) - 275. I can't apply SeMW or VEGAS Levels to media FX either because these should be applied to the last FX but media FX is the first FX.
It seems the only one method is applying SeMW or VEGAS Levels to video events (not picture events) in each one by one. However it is unpractical. Picture and video are hundreds mixed.
Can magix fix this preview maybe a bug? SOS.