I have been using Move Studio for probably 10 years. I only do basic things to edit shorts for the church. I use the same features nearly every time and it's been fine. Vegas Movie Studio 17 was working great since May, but suddenly decided I didn't have a license. Magix support suggested I kill installation.ini and then reinstall which I did. It worked and Movie Studio 17 is back. However, the reinstall probably reset one of my settings. I was attempting to use the basic text media generator. For some reason, the frame sizes for the generated text is only about a third the size of the frame my video is working in. I am not able to place the text at the bottom of the frame it overlays ( a still) nor can I place it over a video segment. Something is telling the text that the frame "box" is centered and about a third the size of that which it overlays. I did try changing the properties on the text box through the properties menu without success. I know I am not using the proper language to describe my proplem but I hope you can help me. I'm running windows 10/