Trying to achieve the old Batman spinning transition

TDolce wrote on 9/14/2003, 11:13 AM
I'm trying to recreate the "Batman" transition effect where the original scene transitions to the new scene by spinning beyond recognition and the Bat logo zooms in from small to large in the foreground of the spinning effect. I have tried to place a track motion to the first scene and then rotate it 3600 degrees to really get that blurred spin. I was then placing a static image (one of my logos) on top of the spinning clip and zooming the logo (also via track motion). Basically,..the logo looks great and works out fine,..but the spinning effect for the video stinks. Does anyone have a possible solution? Or does anyone know what I'm trying to achieve here? If you have ever seen the old 60's series of Batman, should know what I mean.


GaryKleiner wrote on 9/14/2003, 11:17 AM
I think you will have better results by SHOOTING the spinning effect rather than trying to create it in the computer.

MichaelS wrote on 9/14/2003, 11:48 AM

There is a .veg that I believe can be found on Sundance that mimics the spinning newspaper effect found in old movies. This is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but would certainly be a place to start.

The file is named "Headline News". It uses PluginPac to create the effect. Therein may lie your problem. The PluginPac is a great little tool.

I think sound plays as important a part of this type of effect as the visual. I remember well that great Batman horn fanfare that accompanied the effect.

Go get'em!
Trichome wrote on 9/14/2003, 12:57 PM
I would try to pre compose the 'spinning effect' by making it in a project of its own at first.
click view\video bus track, and at the master video bus level right click add motion blur.
adjust the levels for your spin and render to a new track. Then when you add your logo track you should have a blurred spinning background and crystal clear logo.
Hope this helps.

FadeToBlack wrote on 9/14/2003, 2:34 PM
MichaelS wrote on 9/15/2003, 12:28 AM

My apologies for referencing your "Headline News" .veg to Sundance. I recalled seeing it somewhere, but my memory obviously served me wrong. I appreciate the fact that you share your talents. Thanks!

TDolce wrote on 9/15/2003, 12:57 AM
Thank you to all of you! Great tips and advice. What a great resource here!! This is yet another of the MANY reasons I left Premiere over a year ago. Great site too GG!!! Nice to know that others actually watched that Batman series so many moons ago!!

"HOLY STREAMING VIDEO, I think I can do this now!!!" I'll give it shot.
TDolce wrote on 9/15/2003, 8:31 AM
Any idea where I can get this "Plugin Pac?" Apparently I need this to view these downloads from GG.
jetdv wrote on 9/15/2003, 9:26 AM
Togotoon wrote on 9/15/2003, 10:08 AM
Thanks. That was simple enough.

The-Umbrella-Thief wrote on 5/11/2023, 9:43 AM

There is a .veg that I believe can be found on Sundance that mimics the spinning newspaper effect found in old movies. This is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but would certainly be a place to start.

The file is named "Headline News". It uses PluginPac to create the effect. Therein may lie your problem. The PluginPac is a great little tool.

I think sound plays as important a part of this type of effect as the visual. I remember well that great Batman horn fanfare that accompanied the effect.

Go get'em!
do you have the link for this?
jetdv wrote on 5/11/2023, 10:21 AM


vkmast wrote on 5/11/2023, 10:22 AM

@The-Umbrella-Thief did you try the link above? And did you notice that this thread was last active almost 20 years ago?