VEGAS Movie Studio 14 Update (build 127 & build 148)

VEGAS_CommunityManager wrote on 8/21/2017, 10:15 AM

Dear community,

You have been waiting patiently and now the time has come for an update to VEGAS Movie Studio 14. There's still more we want to do to make VEGAS Movie Studio the perfect tool, and with your support, we look forward to continually improving the software. This update takes us a step closer.

You can download the new builds here:

VEGAS Movie Studio

VEGAS Movie Studio Platinum:

Here are the patch notes for this update:

New Features

  • The addition of key Pal Templates makes it easier for users to deliver projects to the most important formats for the European and other PAL markets
  • Multicam Audio Sync makes synchronizing the different footage from a multicamera shoot easy and automatic. [Platinum only]

Bug Fixes

  • The Resample options once again properly appear in the video event properties [Platinum only]
  • The text for active take information shown on timeline events is now much easier to read
  • The D keyboard shortcut once again properly cycles through edit tools

Best regards


EricLNZ wrote on 8/21/2017, 6:50 PM

Thanks Mathias. Build 148 installed.

Is it my imagination or is the time position at the top left of the timeline now even harder to read. I cannot recall it being black against dark grey previously? It says in this screengrab but is very difficult to make out.

Update - mystery solved. Right click on the box and select Text Colour which on changing from Default to Custom is very readable. You can also change the background. Click on Custom and you can select any colour you like. I'm sure I never touched this in the previous build so updating must have reset it different to previously.

Now if we could only change the pesky black icon colour in the same way............

EricLNZ wrote on 8/21/2017, 9:28 PM

The addition of key Pal Templates makes it easier for users to deliver projects to the most important formats for the European and other PAL markets

Which ones and which codecs?

@ Cornico - very few it appears. Without a Default Template filter it is difficult to be sure as I have customised several for PAL. But it seems the following still only show NTSC framerates:

Main Concept AVC - Internet
Sony AVC - Internet
Sony AVC - Memory Stick

No big deal to me as it's easy to customise them.

Marco. wrote on 8/22/2017, 4:35 AM

My timecode window looks like this without ever having touched it:


EricLNZ wrote on 8/22/2017, 4:44 AM

My timecode window looks like this without ever having touched it:


Yes, mine does now as the default has now somehow altered.

I also had some other unexpected experiences with this window. Going into Text Colour Custom and then without tocuhing anything exiting with either OK or Cancel made my timecode disappear. Actually it had changed to the background colour without being asked to do so, and as a result was invisible. More bugs presumably.

Anyway mine is now visible so I'm happy. I didn't realise until today that you could alter the text and background colours of this window. Why this is so when we are stuck with not being able to change other more problematic text and backgrounds is frustrating.

pioneer109 wrote on 8/22/2017, 4:55 AM

After upgrading to build 148 I have lost the association with SonicFire pro6 which I used to get from tools/Extensions. the only option I get now is. Add edit smartsound music. Can somebody please advise on rectifying this please. Or is smartsound music actually Sonicfire pro6.. Update solved.

NickHope wrote on 8/22/2017, 10:42 AM

The addition of key Pal Templates makes it easier for users to deliver projects to the most important formats for the European and other PAL markets

Which ones and which codecs?

  • MainConcept MPEG-2:
    • HDV 720-24p
    • HDV 1080-25p
  • Video For Windows (AVI):
    • HD 1080-25p YUV
    • HQ 1280x720-25p
    • HQ 1440x1080-25p
    • HQ 1920x1080-25p
TrafficProducer wrote on 8/22/2017, 10:43 AM

Sony Movie Studio Platinum
Ver 14 Build 148 Slugish after update

Waiting to see Preview respond all the time, previous version did not have this issue

NickHope wrote on 8/22/2017, 10:48 AM

The "NEW VERSION AVAILABLE" notification popped up in version 122 when I opened it today and linked successfully to the right 148 download. Also worked correctly if I went to "Help" > "Check for News". It also correctly doesn't show up if I check for new after updating to 148. Good work! I hope this also carries over to other programs.

Daniel_Serrano wrote on 8/23/2017, 12:26 AM

This sounds very intersting, have to try it out...

Multicam Audio Sync makes synchronizing the different footage from a multicamera shoot easy and automatic. [Platinum only]

redpaw wrote on 8/23/2017, 3:53 AM

This sounds very intersting, have to try it out...

Multicam Audio Sync makes synchronizing the different footage from a multicamera shoot easy and automatic. [Platinum only]

I've downloaded the trial version just to check that out, but couldnt find that anywhere. no mention of it in help either (unless i was searching for a wrong key words). the tutorial on multicam editing video on vegas' official youtube channel doesnt say a thing about it neither.

i spent only like 10mins so obviously could have missed it though.

redpaw wrote on 8/23/2017, 6:42 AM

Depending on the amount of footage it goes simple and quick.


nice one. thanks Cornico.
i installed it again to check how it works with the audio from different sources, but unfortunately move studio wont import footage from either ex3 nor fs5. i guess just need to wait till friday and hope they put that in the vegas pro as well.

rondi wrote on 8/23/2017, 10:47 AM

Thanks for the suggestion to brighten the Timecode window--I did not know I could change it. I also want to brighten the actual timecode on the bar above the tracks. It is much dimmer than any other text. It would be nice if it's brightness was controlled either separately or via the same right click as the Tc Window.

roger-b1 wrote on 8/23/2017, 11:08 AM

Don't know if I can ask this in this place, but What do I do to get files from my iPhone to work in my Studio Platinum version 14? It says it cannot make a proxy for it.


vkmast wrote on 8/23/2017, 11:25 AM

I also want to brighten the actual timecode on the bar above the tracks. It is much dimmer than any other text.

Yes, that's a disappointment. The same goes of course for the bar in the Trimmer.

vkmast wrote on 8/23/2017, 11:34 AM

@roger-b1, see if this thread and the FAQ mentioned there helps.

EricLNZ wrote on 8/24/2017, 3:35 AM

I also want to brighten the actual timecode on the bar above the tracks. It is much dimmer than any other text.

Yes, that's a disappointment. The same goes of course for the bar in the Trimmer.

+1 - A big disappointment.

L0rdYpsilon wrote on 8/24/2017, 10:12 AM

This **** ruined my program. I got i notifying to install it, i got error -2147163964, with the reason "The installer has insufficent privileges to access this directory: C:\ProgramData\VEGAS\Movie Studio Platinum\14.0". It removed the program completely, and now i get the same error every time i got to install it.


RIP 80$

3POINT wrote on 8/25/2017, 7:40 AM

Since I updated, I miss the possibility to choose GPU acceleration support of my graphics card. On the same workstation with VegasPro14, its no problem. What can I do?

Brandigan wrote on 9/5/2017, 12:10 PM

Resample Options back in video event Properties! Cool! Thanks, @gary-rebholz and team. 😀

BOBdotEXE wrote on 11/2/2017, 4:27 PM

PLEASE add a Global Resample option for project templates!
The resampling works great for some video projects, but for some handheld stuff, the result is nauseating!
While yes, the default option allows you to disable resampling on multiple clips at a time.
When working on a project with 500+ clips across multiple tracks it can become a real pain to try to do that extra step.

For example, I could have A handheld video" template , with this I could just click on that, and have not just the frame rate, audio and video bit rate perfectly set up! Then I could set Resample to 'disable', then I could just work on my project with no extra steps!

KamiSays wrote on 2/10/2018, 6:10 PM

Since I updated, I miss the possibility to choose GPU acceleration support of my graphics card. On the same workstation with VegasPro14, its no problem. What can I do?

Same here

art-martin wrote on 2/12/2018, 4:13 PM

Are we going to get codec support for the .265 format soon? My security system saves in that format. It's a royal pain to gather snippets and convert them just so I can bring them into Movie Studio Platinum 14 for editing. A competitor seems to offer support for that codec at their entry level product but I'd prefer to stick with Sony since I'm an Acid Pro 7 user and it makes sense to keep both video and audio within the same arena. However, I have some deadlines to compile some video evidence. If this product doesn't catch up with the technology quickly I'll be forced to go with a competitor.

Cornico wrote on 2/12/2018, 4:43 PM

Nobody of the users on this forum will force you to stay. 😇😉