
3POINT wrote on 10/10/2019, 10:14 AM

What is the main reason to use the voukoder rendertemplate?

For me it's mainly the far more better picture quality also at very low bitrates and small filesizes.

3POINT wrote on 10/10/2019, 12:32 PM

Also don't forget Marco's genius Vegas2Handbrake script, which was even long before HOS Render.

Last changed by 3POINT on 10/10/2019, 12:33 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

3POINT, Theo Houben, Vegasuser since version 5 and co-founder and moderator of the Dutch Vegasforum

Recware: DJI Osmo Pocket/Mavic Mini, GoproHero7Black, PanasonicFZ300/HCX909.

Software: Vegaspro365+Vegasaur, PowerDirector365, Davinci Resolve 19

Hardware: i910900k, 32GB, GTX2080super, 2x1920x1200 display

Playware: Samsung Qled QE65Q6FN, Philips 55PFL7108

NickHope wrote on 10/10/2019, 1:39 PM

Thank you ivan-f.

It's working for me (I tested VP17, x264, Slower, crf18, AAC 320kbps).

The Voukoder rendering format only showed up in VP17, not in VP14/15/16.

Copying it across to C:\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 16.0\FileIO Plug-Ins didn't work.

wwaag wrote on 10/10/2019, 1:51 PM

Thanks ivan-f. The developer is to be commended for this render option which I might add is the same "under the hood" as HOS. They both make use of FFmpeg.

It works OK here for all Magix versions plus the Sony V13 version. It does not work in Sony V12.

To make it work in other installations, you must copy the folder "C:\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 17.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\voukoderplug" and paste it into other versions FileIO plug-ins folder. You must also copy the file "C:\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 17.0\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config" and paste it into the main version folder such as "C:\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 16.0".

Last changed by wwaag on 10/10/2019, 1:53 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Former user wrote on 10/10/2019, 2:53 PM

This IS exciting, and great added flexibility in setting your quality output, once you don’t mind the time trade off in render.

Previously to do the Render Quality tables and include an x264/ffmpeg value I needed to use the command line.

I just did a very quick equivalent test and everything aok, seemed a little lower value than what I got previously.

I'll do proper testing and add a table with a Voukoder x264 entry, hopefully tomorrow.


Vouk wrote on 10/10/2019, 3:10 PM

If you are interested in performance and stuff take a look at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Voukoder\Logs and you'll find entries like that:

[18:41:19] Frame #291: vRender: 43358 us, vProcess: 1940 us, vEncoding: 16439 us, aRenderEncode: 486 us, Latency: 62277 us
[18:41:19] Frame #292: vRender: 91810 us, vProcess: 1952 us, vEncoding: 8424 us, aRenderEncode: 482 us, Latency: 102719 us
[18:41:19] Frame #293: vRender: 95514 us, vProcess: 1932 us, vEncoding: 21983 us, aRenderEncode: 511 us, Latency: 119993 us
[18:41:19] Frame #294: vRender: 49767 us, vProcess: 2861 us, vEncoding: 37614 us, aRenderEncode: 481 us, Latency: 90774 us
[18:41:19] Frame #295: vRender: 38400 us, vProcess: 4111 us, vEncoding: 15817 us, aRenderEncode: 499 us, Latency: 58879 us

vRender: Time Vegas needs to render a frame
vProcess: Time the plugin needs to convert it for the Voukoder/encoder
vEncoder: Time voukoder / FFmpeg needs to encode it (incl. filters and everything)
aRenderEncoder: Time for audio rendering and encoding
Latency: Total latency for a single frame (incl. audio)

wwaag wrote on 10/10/2019, 3:35 PM

A word of caution and a suggestion for Vouk. At the moment, there is a 44msec audio sync problem as shown here. The same sync problem is also found in other rendering apps such as Handbrake in which FFmpeg is "under the hood".

Using a command line approach in HOS, it was very easy to correct by adding "-itsoffset 0.0444" before importing the audio (wav) file. Hopefully, the developer can add such an audio delay option.

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

fr0sty wrote on 10/10/2019, 4:07 PM

I've yet to get a working encode out of it. My first attempt came out a garbled mess, the second froze half way through.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Former user wrote on 10/10/2019, 5:03 PM

@Vouk Frankly, the testing I do is very simple, one glance at that screen shot and my eyes just glazed over, above my non existent pay grade, thanks for such a great tool though.

When I did the ffmpeg command line encode, way back, mediainfo displayed 4 frames, I still have the file. I assume thats 4 B frames. No matter what B frames I enter in your app I just get a mediainfo result of always 5? I really don’t know enough about this so may hold off in my table update.

fr0sty wrote on 10/10/2019, 11:00 PM

Tried it again using HEVC... got the encode out, but it has no sound, and you can't skip around in it using the windows 10 media player, it will freeze if you do.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Vouk wrote on 10/11/2019, 2:11 AM

@wwaag Can you elaborate on this? Is it always 44ms? Does changing the sampling rate affect this value? Does this happen only with one specific or all audio encoders? I guess I could fix it by modifying the presentation timestamp offset but it would be helpful to have some details.

@fr0sty Is it possible your project is any other than YUV420 / 8 bit depth?

supergafudo wrote on 10/11/2019, 2:28 AM

Tried it again using HEVC... got the encode out, but it has no sound, and you can't skip around in it using the windows 10 media player, it will freeze if you do.

I have this same problems with files encoded in HEVC out or vegas and Vouk, so probably is not related with this software but with the HEVC codec. Mine were encoded using Handbrake and AMD GPU.

adis-a3097 wrote on 10/11/2019, 6:43 AM


Any chance of adding a "image sequence" to the export options? Thanks!


john_dennis wrote on 10/11/2019, 9:27 AM


"Can you elaborate on this? Is it always 44ms? Does changing the sampling rate affect this value? Does this happen only with one specific or all audio encoders?"

I'm not Wayne (he's glad of that), but here is some light reading on audio sync for various encoders out of Vegas Pro. At the time Happy Otter Scripts was not public, but Wayne got it right.


There is a Vegas Pro project that you can use for an Audio Sync Test in that thread.

fr0sty wrote on 10/11/2019, 9:38 AM

"I have this same problems with files encoded in HEVC out or vegas and Vouk, so probably is not related with this software but with the HEVC codec. Mine were encoded using Handbrake and AMD GPU."

My Vegas HEVC files have been working perfectly.

@Vouk It is a standard 4k 8 bit project. The first time, I tried a H264 render. It rendered and came out all messed up, the video smears and blurs all over the place. The second attempt, with some changes made (both were set to high profile, but I changed the encode mode from VBR to CRF), it encoded but just stopped rendering about half way through, hung on a frame. Canceling the render closed it out, but Vegas sat there saying "render canceled by user" (a bug that has been in Vegas since the beginning, that I REALLY wish they'd fix... not being able to cancel renders that hang for any reason even if it doesn't crash Vegas itself), I left it there until the next morning, it was still stuck saying that.

The third attempt, I messed with the settings a bit more and used HEVC this time. I got beautiful video out of it, but it was silent and if I tried skipping around to different parts of the video, it would lock up.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

rraud wrote on 10/11/2019, 10:34 AM

44 milliseconds? That is more than one frame (ahead, based on Wayne's screenshot.. and ahead is more annoying than behind to Homosapians). May be acceptable in some instances, and/or could be corrected before or after the render, but that's more work than it's probably worth, but I'll try it never the less.

wwaag wrote on 10/11/2019, 10:39 AM


As John Dennis points out, the audio delay issue is not "constant". It can be affected by a number of things. E.g. it is affected by the decoder that is being used inside of Vegas. As such, a "hard coded" solution doesn't seem reasonable. If possible, you should give the user the option of adjusting audio delay according to his own needs. Here is the UI in HOS wherein audio delay can be easily changed.

AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

Vouk wrote on 10/11/2019, 10:56 AM

It'd be easy to give you an option to enter a delay value (in number of frames) to correct this issue. But it'd be better for me to fully understand why this happens so i could provide a nicer way to handle this.

Is this related to the delay AAC encoders add at the beginning and note that value in the header for decoders to correct it? (FFmpeg AAC adds 1024 samples, FDK AAC adds 1024 samples per channel AFAIR).

Interesting fact: 2048 samples are around 43ms (48 KHz, Stereo)

KaraUSA wrote on 10/27/2019, 4:31 AM

Strange, there is not even a new update since this release.

3POINT wrote on 10/27/2019, 5:24 AM

I would like when voukoder also would be available in VegasMovieStudio, any change?

Former user wrote on 11/21/2019, 4:50 PM

beta5 crashes when I attempt to open voukoder dialogue . You have no problem @Former user ?

Steve_Rhoden wrote on 11/21/2019, 5:04 PM

bob-h, make sure you uninstall all older versions (connector and all), along with deleting all previous presets etc.

Then do a fresh install of the newest versions.

Musicvid wrote on 11/21/2019, 6:02 PM

A word of caution and a suggestion for Vouk. At the moment, there is a 44msec audio sync problem as shown here. The same sync problem is also found in other rendering apps such as Handbrake in which FFmpeg is "under the hood".

Using a command line approach in HOS, it was very easy to correct by adding "-itsoffset 0.0444" before importing the audio (wav) file. Hopefully, the developer can add such an audio delay option.

This appears to be the legacy PCM desync issue in ffmpeg / libav going back to the dark ages, and abundantly discussed in 2018. First documented by me in 2012.

Since users have reported 42, 43, and 44 ms offsets, I believe it's the same general issue




Marco. wrote on 11/22/2019, 1:35 AM

Latest beta 5 does not work for me. I deinstalled former builds of core and connector, installed latest builds, restarted Windows. But now Voucoder no more appears in the list of renderers of VP17.