Just opened VP18 and the update dialogue box came up. The list of new features is:
Changes in Update 1 build 334
Support for HEVC HDR presets available for NVENC
AMD support for Driver Update dialog
NVIDIA Quadro support for Driver Update dialog
Smart proxy generation based on GPU capabilities
Greater ability to move the Region of Interest for Video Stabilization
Interface to VEGAS Image
Direct control of Motion Tracking from withing the Bezier Masking FX
Progress bar on the Motion Tracking panel is now clickable
Bug Fixes
Better handling GPU auto selection
Fixed crash on startup related to some Intel GPU drivers
Flicker Control FX thumbnail now displays properly in Plugin window
Colorization FX thumbnail now displays properly in the Plugin Window
Auto update for VEGAS Image and VEGAS Effects now functions
VEGAS Pro 17 projects that have the Slow Motion FX will no longer cause a crash
Grids in Expert mode on the Video Stabilization FX now work properly
Style Transfer and Colorization plugins now work on all supported hardware
Motion Tracking icon in the timeline toolbar correctly opens the Motion Tracking panel
Render progress dialog now remains in focus when open
VEGAS no longer freezes when clicking into another application while the Render Progress dialog is open
Proxy generation and use of Proxy files now work as expected
Motion data now properly applied to 2D parameters
Fixed problem where some Notebook GPUs are not detected by the Driver Update dialog
Exposure control in the Color Grading panel no longer clips in full-range projects
Fixed crash when reading in a file that was rendered from a 360 project with a non-hardware accelerated template
Improved performance of Plugin window thumbnail generation
Some iPhone files will no longer appear inverted in the Explorer window
Clicking on a Panasonic P2 template in the Render As dialog and then clicking a different format now allows editing of the file name
Fixed crash on shutdown
Adding Motion Tracking to a Lens Flare FX will no longer cause a crash
Picture in Picture FX now works properly in Free Form mode
Pan and Crop will no longer crash if "Collapse loop region" option is enabled in preferences
Hide the Third Party tab in the plugin window if no third party plugins are installed
Default format for Save Snapshot feature is now PNG
HDR templates now displayed when they should be available in the Render As dialog
Change the default render formate in the Render As dialog
Video Stabilization no longer causes VEGAS to hang on playback with some AMD GPUs
Interlaced templates now available in the MAGIX AVC/AAC render plugin
Fixed problem with selection of animation keyframes that are not aligned with frame boundaries
Crash when clicking on the Creative Tab in the Video FX plugin window is fixed
Saving and loading of Favorites in the Plugin Windows now works as expected
Collapsing track groups with a fade applied to events no longer results in crash
Opening the Motion Tracking panel from an event's burger menu now properly selects the event
Fixed a crash when reading some MP4 files with an unusual AAC format