can't import audio

steve-quinney wrote on 10/24/2021, 9:05 AM

Hi everyone, Hope you can help.

I've just got a new desktop PC and have successfully transferred Vegas Pro 18 on to it from my old desktop.

Unfortunately, I cannot get it to import any MP3 audio files. It will record from my microphone ok, and also video (mp4) & jpg import ok. It will also import the audio attached to an mp4 video ok, it just won't import a "stand-alone" mp3. It will import WAV files though.

Is it just a setting I need to change?

I'm now running an AMD Ryzen7 2700x processor with an NVIDIA GeForce GT1030 video adapter.

Windows 10 16Gb RAM.

Thanks in advance for any help.




rraud wrote on 10/24/2021, 11:52 AM

What happens when you drag an MP3 file to an audio track on the timeline?

steve-quinney wrote on 10/24/2021, 1:15 PM

Thanks for your reply rraud,

The problem is when I try to import an MP3 file from explorer, it will not display any files as it says " no items match your search" so I cannot drag them to the timeline. The Vegas explorer window shows that it is looking for "all media files" but finds nothing. The files are there on the disc, windows explorer displays them and they play fine with media players.

Could Vegas by any chance be missing a codec?

steve-quinney wrote on 10/24/2021, 1:18 PM

PS it also will import wma files, just not MP3.

vkmast wrote on 10/24/2021, 2:02 PM

Can you find the "All Files" option?

steve-quinney wrote on 10/24/2021, 2:13 PM

Now went didn't i think of that! Unfortunately I'm now away from the computer for about 20 hours,but will give it a try tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.

steve-quinney wrote on 10/25/2021, 2:32 AM

Hi everyone, and good morning.

Thanks for that suggestion yesterday vkmast, if I look for "all files" Vegas explorer displays them as it should and allows me to import them and move them to the timeline but they do not play. The curser moves along the timeline but there is no sound.

Any further suggestions?

Thanks for any help you can give.


RogerS wrote on 10/25/2021, 3:04 AM

Not all MP3s are the same, it depends on how they were created (and some rips have defective headers).

Here's the most detailed explanation of it I've seen:

rraud wrote on 10/25/2021, 9:48 AM

Try resetting Vegas Pro and clearing the cache, which has been reported to fix some MP3 issues.


steve-quinney wrote on 10/25/2021, 11:03 AM

Give yourself a gold star rraud, clearing the cache etc. has solved the problem. I had to close and re-load Vegas after clearing the cache as although Vegas would now recognise the MP3 files and would import them, and the waveforms were there and the audio bus meter would show the volume ok, there was no sound coming out of the headphones. This was solved by closing and re-loading. Everything now seems to be working fine (fingers crossed).

My grateful thanks to you. Thanks also to everyone who made suggestions as to possible causes. Where would we be without you?


walter-i. wrote on 10/25/2021, 3:16 PM

You should mark rraud's post as the solution, because he has provided the solution.
Also feel free to mark the "Thank You" on his post.