Forum Update: A Basic Search Function


vkmast wrote on 3/8/2017, 3:32 AM

Thanks to this comment by a fellow user we were made aware of that search option having been added. It is somewhat inconspicuous and is available only after you do an initial Search to get unfiltered results. As said above you then need to click on Options to see Any time and its drop-down menu (as in the screenshot).

Grazie wrote on 3/8/2017, 5:33 AM

Marvellously timely! Now, by USER too? I just love re-reading my posts. 👀

Last changed by Grazie on 3/8/2017, 5:33 AM, changed a total of 1 times.


PC 10 64-bit 64gb * Intel Core i9 10900X s2066 * EVGA RTX 3080 XC3 Ultra 10GB - Studio Driver 551.23 * 4x16G CorsVengLPX DDR4 2666C16 * Asus TUF X299 MK 2

Cameras: Canon XF300 + PowerShot SX60HS Bridge

vkmast wrote on 3/8/2017, 6:10 AM

Grazie, click your avatar to be able to see and read all your 1826 Forum posts and 17696 Comments 😎

Grazie wrote on 3/8/2017, 7:12 AM

Yes, i know, I was being ever so slightly self deprecating. My wish is for searching a range of dates for Vkmast: 🛎

vkmast wrote on 3/8/2017, 7:28 AM

Thanks for clarifying. Maybe we'll get the option to search a range of dates by user or even by forum as requested here if we're patient 😎

vkmast wrote on 3/8/2017, 12:51 PM

This "search within a time period" is not working for me any more at the moment. Can anyone confirm?

NickHope wrote on 3/8/2017, 11:11 PM

This "search within a time period" is not working for me any more at the moment. Can anyone confirm?

Confirmed. Filter not working.

Grazie wrote on 3/9/2017, 12:15 AM

Confirmed with a six month filter get posts back to 2010. And yes, when opened the last is years old.

There must a time limit to the usage filter filter.

Last changed by Grazie on 3/9/2017, 12:19 AM, changed a total of 1 times.


PC 10 64-bit 64gb * Intel Core i9 10900X s2066 * EVGA RTX 3080 XC3 Ultra 10GB - Studio Driver 551.23 * 4x16G CorsVengLPX DDR4 2666C16 * Asus TUF X299 MK 2

Cameras: Canon XF300 + PowerShot SX60HS Bridge

VEGAS_CommunityManager wrote on 3/9/2017, 3:52 AM

Thank you for the reports. Yes, this is a bug and we will add that to our list.

I'll let you know when we fixed this issue.

VEGAS_CommunityManager wrote on 3/10/2017, 6:33 AM

We fixed the issue. Now you should be able to search with the time filter. 😉