Pirated and cracked versions, deliberately misnamed "Sony Vegas" are widely offered on the internet.
Should be a red flag for everyone, but during this decade it's taken more as a green light.
I take offense! I have a cracked errr modified version of Sony VP13 I still have to install here and there in order to use my Pluraleyes. I own just about every year after that and a few years before that, but it is the only one that still works with the deprecated PE! Even though my 10 bit video shows up as just "green" inside that program, it still synchronizes and I can open it in newer versions after saving it there.
No worries though as I finally have timecode equipment on the way as we speak. I hope it will work as well as I assume it should.
But I am super cautious - I install it on a non critical PC, do my syncing, get the file off of there then use Acronis to restore it to a state from before SVP13 was installed.
I think I used PE 3.5 with VP 12 and then had to upgrade to 4 (which still works). They're not selling it anymore so that's the end of the line. Glad I don't have to keep 12 around for this one purpose.