Pretty much anything that handles/decodes AVC should handle XAVC Intra and XAVC-S. XAVC Intra is 10-bit in Vegas and some decoders may only support 8-bit.
XAVC Intra is MXF and Vegas outputs mono audio channels for each channel in the audio stream. So Stereo is output as two mono channels.
If a player simply assumes that two mono channels are actually stereo it can play them fine. Maybe the channels get reversed, but there is probably a defacto convention for which channel left/right is the first mono channel.
Handbrake does not handle these mono channels properly. Sigh. :-(
I was hoping Vegas Pro 13 had brought a way to make the UI look slightly darker, an adjustable slider so that you could set the UI brightness to your own preference (Lighter or Darker) as I spend countless hours editing.
While Sony does a great job in designing their logos and packages, I felt having a little more customisation on the UI part would of been great. I noticed that some tools from the top toolbar have been move on the bottom row but somehow I always felt that the top toolbar and now the new bottom toolbar should have been merged to a center toolbar, right above the timeline.
Don’t know yet if I will upgrade to V13 while V12 as been very stable for me, most likely my best Vegas upgrade ever, that is with the GPU feature disabled, which didn't bother much since I got the stability.
Unfortunately Norman is right. Handbrake doesn't handle the 2x Mono channels of XAVC MXF well. However, XAVC-S dropped into HB and converted from 1920x1080 60fps (Canon HF-G30) down to 1280x720 30fps looks really nice!
FXHOME fx are pretty underwhelming. Archiving should've been standard years ago. Why duplicate apps that are already available? Same goes for cloud services for sharing content. Frequently used strip - does that actually count as a new feature for NLE's in the C21st? Loudness metering - if you needed that then surely you'd have bought one of the excellent third party plugins that are available years ago? No wonder Sony is in trouble if this is all they have to offer in their new version.
The only reason I'll upgrade is if the GPU and other problems have been fixed. Also to use BCC9 and the new Hitfilm FX.
However, XAVC-S dropped into HB and converted from 1920x1080 60fps (Canon HF-G30) down to 1280x720 30fps looks really nice!
Yes, XAVC-S has a nice high bitrate and is much faster than Mainconcept AVC one pass VBR. Curious as both encoders are written by MC. Vegas uses the "broadcast" AVC encoder from MC for XAVC and XAVC-S.
"I was hoping Vegas Pro 13 had brought a way to make the UI look slightly darker, an adjustable slider so that you could set the UI brightness to your own preference (Lighter or Darker) as I spend countless hours editing. "
If you UNCHECK "use vegas color scheme" in preferences, Vegas will then use your windows desktop color scheme, which you can set to what ever you want.
@ Rob Franks
I just gave it a try but it seems under Win8, you don't have much settings available in order to get a decent looking UI other than a highly contrasted UI.
Where my parents live in WA it's a satellite connection to each street which has to share the connection. The download signal kept dropping out when I was there at the end of last year so forget about uploading anything large. They'll not have access to the speeds necessary to upload to the cloud in the foreseeable future because of the cheap way internet was installed in the region.
Average upload speeds in the UK are 1.8 mbps (max) unless you buy cable where the upload speeds peak at about 5 mbps atm. Upload speeds have increased from 0.9 mbps in 2009 to 1.8m mbps (max) in 2014 so the chances of realistic cloud uploads are not going to arrive any time soon for most of us unless we pay for specialist services.
If your area isn't served by a cable broadband provider then specialist services serving whole communities can have cable installed with up to 1000 mbps upload speeds but that's only for communities of more than 400 homes. I doubt there are any urban areas in the UK who haven't already had regular cable installed.
Even if you're lucky enough to live in one of these communities chances are the people you're collaborating with won't so until upload speeds become realistic for many more people then the cloud is a one way street of downloads for most of us. That's why I think the new cloud features will appeal to a very limited range of VP users.
I'm not sure what commercial internet options are available but if a business can afford that then wouldn't they have signed up to Adobe cloud already anyway?
The vegas pro connect is , like the new avid connect , meant for the pro's . The comments here of having bad internet at the kitchen or bedroom are kind of....
in fact, with the move to 'work from home' and 'decentralization' (or whatever the current buzz words are), the current abysmal state of internet services outside of the major metropolitan areas is a disgrace, and as even bob acknowledges in his earlier post, even within city limits, upload speeds are geared for email, stills and pretty much minor traffic - certainly not dumping raw camera footage, even at dv rates - 12gb an hour, you'd really need access to VERY fast cable or backbone.
i think scs felt that they had to be in the cloud just like everyone else, even if there isn't a silver lining in it for many vegas users.
i am beginning to hope that 13 HAS fixed a lot of the 'problems' many of us have experienced in 12 - but no matter what it's not going to change my current client workflow significantly:
as the edit progresses i upload a tc'ed draft to the client using mp4 @ 480p via mega (whose servers are in nz and appear much faster than either dropbox / gdrive / one drive) > receive client comments > re-edit > post new version. this process has worked perfectly well for us (i have 5 clients i work with this way) for over three years, and interestingly enough, none of them CAN view online video on their corporate desktops anyway due to either government or corporate policy. so even if i did have a worthwhile connection it still probably wouldn't be of any use to me ;-(
I would have understood if they had used pictures of VP12 for marketing VP13... A inconvenient miss by SCS. They have probably been so busy fixing the GPU rendering issues that they didn't have time to get some genuine screenshots...
I'm just glad the buttons don't look like dinner plates. I wonder if there is a suite upgrade price if you bought the pro 12 suite. Though I think the only new stuff is sound forge 11 and Pro 13.
>>>Mmmm .... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a screenshot of Vegas Pro 11?
Vegas Pro 11 did not have that Editing toolbar below the timeline, which is shown in the screenshot. But we'll see later.
>>>Anyone have the inside scoop on when V13 will be available for purchase?
Price and availability info is in Mike's link, post #1.
Sorry , but that was not the meaning .
I am also not a pro , not at all , not at all . ( only expensive hobby :-))
With pro I meant real broadcasting studio's having their own sattelite dishes etc....