I acquired Vegas Pro 13 as p[art of the Magix Email sale. I would like to render to an Image sequence however I cannot find image sequence on the Render As Page, Output Format.. Has Image Sequence been discontinued with Version 13?
Even after reinstalling It is not there.
The First option is:
>MainConcept AVC/AAC (*.mp4*.avc) followed by
>MainConcept MPEG-1 (*.mpg)
I even uninstalled and reinstalled.without issue.
I've had no problem exporting all formats including image sequence with Adobe Premiere CC2015 but I would like to someday cut the cord to the subscription.
I do not have any thing checked. Sadly Sony no longer supports Vegas and redirects all questions/concerns to Magix and Magix does not have Vegas on the List, on their questions reporting page so it's impossible to ask tech support.
I was able to reproduce your bug by renaming C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 13.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\wicplug\wicplug.dll so that Vegas couldn't find it when creating the Render As dialog box. It's probably not as simple as that, though.
WIC _ The Windows Imaging Component (WIC) provides WIC-enabled applications to display and edit any image format for which a WIC-compliant CODEC is installed, and also to read and write metadata in image files.
Sounds like it might be an old bug indeed -- one that has been around since V2.
With Vegas closed, temporarily rename the FileIOPlugins folder to something else.
Open Vegas -- it may complain, may not.
Close Vegas, rename the folder to the original, and reboot your computer.
If you're looking in the right menu, all your options should have reappeared.
Ok I tried replacing the .DLL file with the one supplied by John Dennis. Nothing I tried the method recommended by Musicvid10. Still no option to render to an image Sequence yeesh. It would be nice if we could ask development but Sony will no longer take questions and Magix won't provide a path to accept questions related to Vegas Pro.
Former user
wrote on 7/21/2016, 9:08 AM
I can duplicate the problem if I turn check the MATCH PROJECT SETTINGS option, which apparently you have unchecked. Have you tried toggling the check-box just in case? Probably won't make a difference but easy to try.
It seems you can still download VPro 13 b 453 (which for me has this missing template) from this site.
Maybe try that to see if the problem is with the Magix download.
Probably not though as this was reported as early as here.
When I focused on wicplug.dll I didn't anticipate that there was necessarily anything wrong with the file. I was mainly curious to know what was used to present the render option.
The options presented are context sensitive based on the media on the timeline, pixel dimensions, aspect ratio, frame rate, phase of the moon, etc. not to mention user filters. There are many ways for an option to be excluded. Conceivably, the exclusion could even be affected by Windows components, hardware drivers or other differences between systems. I've seen the Sony AVC encoder excluded by a video driver long ago in a galaxy far away.
Perhaps we should do a brief inspection of the hardware platforms, operating system version, type of video card and driver, etc. for those affected?