Vegas 14 Email Offer

Skratch wrote on 8/4/2016, 12:22 PM
I've been using version 10 since it was released but plan on getting 14 when it comes out. Today I got an email offer upgrade to Vegas 13 now for $199, plus a free upgrade to 14 when it comes out in Sept. The name of the company on the offer is MAGIX. Anyone else get something similar? I've been holding off buying 13 while waiting for 14, so I'd get this of it's legit.


Skratch wrote on 8/4/2016, 12:25 PM
OK, I see that MAGIX is the new owner of Vegas now. Still anyone else get an upgrade offer?
vkmast wrote on 8/4/2016, 1:07 PM
Similar offers from MAGIX started coming to (mainly) users who do not have Vegas Pro 13 about a month ago. Do a Search on the forum(s).
Stringer wrote on 8/4/2016, 2:49 PM
It appears current Vegas customers aren't as special as we thought we were..

Magix is offering the 13 + 14 for $199 deal to everyone...

Exclusive welcome offer
vkmast wrote on 8/4/2016, 3:31 PM
Yes, but how do you navigate to the offer on the site without getting the link first?
DataMeister wrote on 8/4/2016, 3:48 PM
This offer appears to be for anyone including new customers. I'm hoping there will be the traditional $150 upgrade price for the first 60 days once v14 is out.
heg wrote on 8/4/2016, 11:20 PM
Maybe something better than the 'traditional $150 price upgrade price...' We'll know next month:

"Those of you who already use VEGAS Pro 13 will receive a separate upgrade offer in September. Hang tight!"

Gary James wrote on 8/5/2016, 7:11 AM
Just keep in mind that if you plan on upgrading to v14 and are using an existing version of Ultimate-S, Excalibur, Vegasaur, TimelineTools or any other compiled script or Vegas Extension, it will no longer work in Magix Vegas v14. They have made all current scripts and extension incompatible with the new release of Vegas.
Skratch wrote on 8/5/2016, 11:02 AM
Been using Vegas since version 4.0 and been on version 10 for 6 years, so went ahead and got the upgrade to 13/14. I switched over to DaVince Resolve and control surface for color grading. But I want to stick with Vegas as an editor because it's awesome and what I know well. My Neat Video Plug in still works with 13, so hopefully works well with 14. I'm hoping version 13/14 will be more versatile with Resolve.
zdogg wrote on 8/6/2016, 2:31 AM
works pretty well for me with Resolve, what a great program, but your thinking is right, Resolve wants to get to where Vegas has been as an editor; they are working towards that, but it will be some time. With Vegas and Magic, look for some great things. Or let's see at least.

Kit wrote on 8/6/2016, 3:30 AM
So what's the thinking about this? Force developers to come out with new branded versions? Release their own? Extensions and scripting is a major part of the attraction of Vegas. How can Magix expect people to take version 14 seriously with this gaping hole?
Gary James wrote on 8/6/2016, 6:47 AM
Kit, Vegas 14 will still support new scripts and extensions that were written specifically for v14 or later. But it will not support any script or extension that worked with previous versions of Vegas v13 and earlier. If you currently use Vegasaur, Excalibur, Ultimate-S, VAAST, TimelineTools, etc. these will not work with v14. You will have to wait for the authors of these tools to release new versions that will work with Vegas v14.

Personally, I have no plans on releasing a new version of TimelineTools that only works with Vegas v14. It will be too much effort to maintain two versions of a utility that I give away for free.
BobMoyer wrote on 8/6/2016, 7:40 AM
"Personally, I have no plans on releasing a new version of TimelineTools that only works with Vegas v14. It will be too much effort to maintain two versions of a utility that I give away for free."

I sincerely hope you reconsider your decision. I am currently on 13 and at some point will probably go to 14 if the reviews are positive. Your 'TimeLineTools' has truly been a life saver (at least a time saver) on many projects and I have come to rely on it.

ushere wrote on 8/6/2016, 7:44 AM
+1 for timeline tools

that said, why would you need to maintain 2 versions? surely if you updated (if necessary) to 14 your original version would stll work with 13?

either way, thanks for your time and effort in producing a very useful tool...
VidMus wrote on 8/6/2016, 7:48 AM
@Gary James,

Will Plural Eyes work with Vegas 14?

I do not want to spend a lot of money upgrading it!
Gary James wrote on 8/6/2016, 10:47 AM
"that said, why would you need to maintain 2 versions? surely if you updated (if necessary) to 14 your original version would stll work with 13?"

I wish that were true. But the changes Magix made to Vegas requires that many of the basic project compilation settings change to use different non-compatible assemblies. It's like Magix changed the software drive train from a Chevy to a Chrysler transmission. Everything that hooks up to it no longer fits. And once the new transmission is fitted into all the scripts and extensions, they're not compatible with earlier versions that still use the Chevy transmission.

There is also the expense associated with the new v14 release. Since all the earlier versions had compatible scripts and extensions, I had little worry that my TimelineTools development platform using Vegas v11, would let me update the program and still maintain full compatibility with all versions of Vegas from v8 to v13. For development under v14 I'd have to purchase a copy of the new version of Vegas that I probably don't really need. Not to mention that any future program code changes would require twice the amount of testing to assure that the program works for pre v14 versions of Vegas, and v14.

In my opinion, the changes Magix made to Vegas were totally unnecessary for technical and historical reasons, and only served to address some sticky corporate trademark and copyright gastritis because the programming interface has the word "Sony" embedded into it in so many places.
Gary James wrote on 8/6/2016, 10:51 AM
"Will Plural Eyes work with Vegas 14?"

I'm not familiar with it, but, if Plural Eyes is a Vegas Plug-In, and not a Script or Extension then it has a chance of working. Only the developer will know for sure.
Hulk wrote on 8/6/2016, 12:30 PM
I'm actually fine with version 12 but I purchased the upgrade in an effort to support Magix and their effort to keep on keepin' on with Vegas.
FPP wrote on 8/6/2016, 1:11 PM
I'm hoping an upgrade for current version13 users will be an affordable $99.00 or less.
Loyalty should be rewarded to keep the wheels rolling.
Besides, outside of a few fundamental performance improvements, how much different will V14 be compared to the fantastic V13?
FPP wrote on 8/6/2016, 1:14 PM
Kit wrote on 8/7/2016, 1:23 AM
"In my opinion, the changes Magix made to Vegas were totally unnecessary for technical and historical reasons, and only served to address some sticky corporate trademark and copyright gastritis because the programming interface has the word "Sony" embedded into it in so many places."

The lack of compatibility with scripting is disappointing and worrying. I'm beginning to regret purchasing the upgrade offer. Presumably future versions of Sound Forge will have the same problem. Doubt I'll upgrade it if I need to rewrite all my personal scripts.

It seems to me with this scripting decision Magix have demonstrated either a lack of vision or failure to understand what Vegas paradigm is completely about. Does not bode well for the future.
VidMus wrote on 8/7/2016, 2:11 AM
Kit said, "The lack of compatibility with scripting is disappointing and worrying. I'm beginning to regret purchasing the upgrade offer."

I think you should give them the benefit of the doubt. They already said that they are working on the details and all.

You say things as if Vegas 14 had already come out and this is the way it is. Wait and see what actually happens before you condemn it.

One thing that is really bothering me a lot about this forum lately is all of the negative assumptions people are making.

Give them a chance already!
NickHope wrote on 8/7/2016, 2:35 AM
I'm confident that MAGIX or the community will come up with a straightforward way to upgrade existing scripts for compatibility with V14. If not then it will probably only be a matter of opening each script in a text editor and doing a simple "find and replace". Should take no time at all.

Compiled dll extensions are another matter.
Gary James wrote on 8/7/2016, 6:34 AM
"I think you should give them the benefit of the doubt."

Vidmus, I have no idea what you are trying to say. The lead developer for Magix Vegas has stated in this forum, and in the Sony Scripting forum, that the scripting interface changes have already been coded into Magix Vegas v14 and that these changes are permanent. Magix Vegas v14 will not now, or ever be, compatible with scripts and extensions that were written for Sony Vegas ... period. There is no benefit of the doubt to hold out for.

Scripts that exist as text files with .cs or .js extensions can be modified by the script owners to use the Magix Namespace and API calls. But compiled DLL scripts and extensions have been forced into obsolescence.
OldSmoke wrote on 8/7/2016, 11:47 AM
I don't understand why we have this discussions at all. It is not that Magix does this changes because the feel like, it is a legal reason that forces Magix to make those changes, nothing else. In my opinion it was wrong or selfish from Sony to put its brand name into the Namespace in the first place. I guess Sony never thought they would sell Vegas one day.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)