Vegas pro 14/15 ?

Nazband wrote on 12/17/2017, 8:40 AM

Hello everybody !

Ok i have a quick question there, quite simple actually. I've bought Vegas pro 14 3 days ago, actually i got it in an humble bundle for 20$ so i consider myself really lucky there, but that's not the subject.

I'll play the honesty card and say this : I had the pirated version of vegas pro 13 for the longest time, but i always wanted to have my very own copy, with my name when it load and everything, and now i have it, and i am happy... But i did noticed vegas pro 15 is already out... and i hesitate a lot to take it.

You see, i use vegas pro 14 to encode my gameplay video that i put on youtube afterward. I don't change a lot of it, just make a little light boost, correct the colors a bit and voilà, i have my video.

So here's my question : Given what i do with the software, is it really worth it to buy vegas pro 15 ? Am i missing a lot by being a version behind ?

Thanks in advance for your answers =).


Former user wrote on 12/17/2017, 8:45 AM

Many of us are still on old versions. I am on Version 12.

barry-v wrote on 12/17/2017, 8:53 AM

What I'm thinking is how your going to buy version 15 when you have been using thirteen for free and getting fourteen for $20 I think your missing something?

Nazband wrote on 12/17/2017, 9:01 AM

What I'm thinking is how your going to buy version 15 when you have been using thirteen for free and getting fourteen for $20 I think your missing something?

Excuse me ? It is not because i got 14 for 20$ instead of full price that it mean i don't have the money to buy 15. You assume a bit much. At the time i used 13 for free i didn't have money, now i do. Big deal *shrug.*

vkmast wrote on 12/17/2017, 9:44 AM

--- is it really worth it to buy vegas pro 15 ?

Read the links Cornico provided above. It's your decision.

Am i missing a lot by being a version behind ?

As above. Did you feel that you missed a lot when using VPro 13 other than a legitimate copy?

vkmast wrote on 12/17/2017, 10:26 AM

Let me add to Cornico's comment (from personal experience) that the pleasure for him trying to give as much help as possible has never been restricted just to the users that are making a new start. 🙂

kal-s wrote on 12/17/2017, 10:57 AM

Hello everybody !

Ok i have a quick question there, quite simple actually. I've bought Vegas pro 14 3 days ago, actually i got it in an humble bundle for 20$ so i consider myself really lucky there, but that's not the subject.

I'll play the honesty card and say this : I had the pirated version of vegas pro 13 for the longest time, but i always wanted to have my very own copy, with my name when it load and everything, and now i have it, and i am happy... But i did noticed vegas pro 15 is already out... and i hesitate a lot to take it.

You see, i use vegas pro 14 to encode my gameplay video that i put on youtube afterward. I don't change a lot of it, just make a little light boost, correct the colors a bit and voilà, i have my video.

So here's my question : Given what i do with the software, is it really worth it to buy vegas pro 15 ? Am i missing a lot by being a version behind ?

Thanks in advance for your answers =).


I was also contemplating picking up the Humble Bundle deal. Can you please share some more information about your experience?

1. How was your experience purchasing from Humble Bundle?

2. And how and where on the Vegas site do you redeem your code?



Kinvermark wrote on 12/17/2017, 11:51 AM


You should definitely purchase a the upgrade to Vegas Pro 15.

walter-i. wrote on 12/17/2017, 11:55 AM


You should definitely purchase a the upgrade to Vegas Pro 15.



NickHope wrote on 12/17/2017, 10:52 PM

@Nazband Study this changelog. The improvements may or not be features that you require in your workflow. The wise choice is to install a month's free trial of VP15 and see for yourself. You will get a watermark on rendered videos, but otherwise it should be fully functional. I suggest you get used to VP14 a bit first, so you can assess the differences properly. I have VP15 but I'm still using VP14 for now.

Nazband wrote on 12/18/2017, 4:32 AM

Hello everybody !

Ok i have a quick question there, quite simple actually. I've bought Vegas pro 14 3 days ago, actually i got it in an humble bundle for 20$ so i consider myself really lucky there, but that's not the subject.

I'll play the honesty card and say this : I had the pirated version of vegas pro 13 for the longest time, but i always wanted to have my very own copy, with my name when it load and everything, and now i have it, and i am happy... But i did noticed vegas pro 15 is already out... and i hesitate a lot to take it.

You see, i use vegas pro 14 to encode my gameplay video that i put on youtube afterward. I don't change a lot of it, just make a little light boost, correct the colors a bit and voilà, i have my video.

So here's my question : Given what i do with the software, is it really worth it to buy vegas pro 15 ? Am i missing a lot by being a version behind ?

Thanks in advance for your answers =).


I was also contemplating picking up the Humble Bundle deal. Can you please share some more information about your experience?

1. How was your experience purchasing from Humble Bundle?

2. And how and where on the Vegas site do you redeem your code?



First of all thanks for all the answers guys, i will go read the changelog, and i already installed VP 15, the trial version, to see if it fit for what i need it.

For your question about the humble bundle, i got absolutely no problems. I bought it with Vegas, they gave me a link with all the serial keys i needed. After that you just install vegas pro 14, enter your key and bam the software is yours. You also get a bunch of other Magix products, which is nice, like music maker and another software for web creators (didn't retain the name).

There's really nothing fishy about it, and if you got 20$ and you want vegas pro 14, you should do it !