Vegas Pro not 'professional'?


John McCully wrote on 12/20/2013, 3:32 PM
GeeBax, how true; same deluge of pretentious BS.
royfphoto wrote on 12/21/2013, 4:56 AM
What is odd: The latest invite to the new "professional" sony cloud system(ci) mentions the ease of use with Avid and Finalcut but not a whisper about Vegas:
JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/21/2013, 6:53 AM
> Posted by: John McCully "Interestingly I wonder what the ‘Pro’ in the title of Vegas Pro means."

Actual, it was added to distinguish it from the Movie Studio version. Both the consumer version and pro version were called "Vegas" so it was very confusing. Lots of software manufactures do this to distinguish their expensive version from their consumer version. I have to agree that the word "Pro" is usually a marketing term to designate a high end product of a particular product line which may actually be rather low end when compared to someone else product line. What sets Vegas Pro apart from Movie Studio are features like multicamera editing, closed captions, multi-channel audio, advanced codecs/rendering, etc.. So the "Pro" version does have more Pro features that people are willing to pay more for.

Here is's attempt at explaining the difference:

What is the difference between consumer video editing software and 'real' NLEs (Non Linear Editing)?

It's a rather good article and you'll be happy to see it covers Vegas Pro. ;-)

> Posted by: royfphoto "What is odd: The latest invite to the new "professional" sony cloud system(ci) mentions the ease of use with Avid and Finalcut but not a whisper about Vegas: "

I think you've discovered why Vegas Pro doesn't have a larger market share. It's because Sony (the "parent" company not Sony Creative Software the "division") doesn't promote it as "their" solution. This happens to a lot of big companies. The divisions are measured on how much revenue they bring in, not how well they work together, so no one should be surprised that the divisions compete with each other for the same customer. Sony's measurement system enforces the wrong values. It's sad but like I said, a lot of big companies suffer from this.

craftech wrote on 12/21/2013, 9:13 AM
I have lost track of how many of these discussions about whether or not Vegas is "professional" have been on the forum.

My take after all these years is that for most of us the answer is "What's the difference"?

Most of us don't have to hand a client edited footage in a Veg file.

Unless you need high quality .mov files or ProRes files, Vegas produces plenty of other formats and containers that work well. Many of us, myself included, use other software along with Vegas.

The last time anyone ever asked me what software I use to edit video was, let me think...................................Never!

Is it an ego thing?

Seth wrote on 12/26/2013, 8:56 PM
I've been freelancing in FCPX over the last several months for a major publisher just starting to get into video content. First off, it's important to recognize brilliant programming when you see it: I'm blown away. If we have an SCS employee reading, please take a cue from Apple in the GPU accelaration department, because the OpenCL integration on FCPX is second to none! That said, I used to absolutely hate FCP, recognize that FCPX still has it's quirks, and I've wanted to return to Vegas Pro for this work.

Wish granted! Interestingly, for the first time in 7 years of freelance, I've just had this major client tell me that they would prefer that I edit on my NLE of choice. Because they expect me to take raw footage and deliver a finished product, [and they want to keep their costs lower] they will be picking up the FCPX loaner system, and allowing me to edit at home on whatever system I choose- which ironically gives me bargaining power to ask for a higher rate, since I'm financing my own gear.

I think we're going to see an increasingly broad definition of what constitutes "professional" software- as evidenced by both Vegas Pro and Hitfilm- because all production software seems to produce much better quality output than it did even just 2 years ago. It's a good thing for media producers because the question of "What do you use to shoot/edit/post produce your work?" is becoming generally less important than "What is your rate?" and "Where can I see a sample of your work?" It has always been this way to some extent, but now it seems to be common media buying wisdom.
Steve Mann wrote on 3/4/2014, 8:22 AM
"and only us Avid or Premiere if the client has some good reason for me to do so."

and, what would a good reason be?
Steve Mann wrote on 3/4/2014, 8:45 AM
"What is odd: The latest invite to the new "professional" sony cloud system(ci) mentions the ease of use with Avid and Finalcut but not a whisper about Vegas:"

SonyMCS is a separate company from Sony Creative Software, and both (plus dozens of other companies) are all owned by the parent corporation. There is apparently no mandate from Corporate that Sony companies cross-pollinate (I.E. promote) other Sony companies. The companies each have their sales goals, and as long as they meet those goals, Corporate stays out of micromanaging, or disposal.

For example, Sony Viao PC's often came bundled with Adobe Premiere Elements. A missed opportunity for sure, or did Adobe offer a better bundle package to Sony Computer Entertainment than Sony Creative Software?
Steve Mann wrote on 3/4/2014, 8:51 AM
"Sony Vegas can't handle high integrated work loads. I can very easily without trying over burden sony vegas. I had an 8 minute short film that killed Sony Vegas so much I had to chop it up into 2 minute projects to get something remotely workable."

What could you possibly have in your video that would "kill" Vegas? (Since you haven't added your PC specs to your profile, we may guess what low-power laptop you are using).

I recently finished a project with over 150 video tracks with some embedded veg events, some New Blue and BCC effects, and yes a ten minute sequence took a few hours to render, but it never "killed" Vegas.
NormanPCN wrote on 3/4/2014, 12:17 PM
RobWood> PEOPLE are professional...
"... for instance, i've used...
-fisher-price cameras for source footage.


Digital Rev is a photography site and they have a series they call Pro photographer, cheap camera. In this one they did video and the pro had to use a Barbie doll camera to do a short film. Yes, a camera embedded in a Barbie doll.

What this Pro can do with toy tools is beyond what most can do with "real" Pro tools.
Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 5/13/2020, 9:58 AM

VP is a good editing program


Sheriff-adeyemi wrote on 5/13/2020, 10:04 AM

But not much tools for collaborating

vkmast wrote on 5/13/2020, 10:05 AM

This thread was from the Sony Vegas era. Please start a new thread or use a current one to discuss VEGAS Pro.

And please remember that "Cross posting, i.e. spreading around the same entry in multiple categories, should be avoided." (Community rule #3)