Vegas won't start

Monica-Eng wrote on 11/22/2021, 6:59 AM

I installed vegas pro 19 a few weeks ago on a new computer and it worked fine. But now when I go back to a file or the program it won't start. I see a flicker of a blue circle and then nothing. I have tried everything suggested in the You Tube video about why vegas wont start and a few of the tricks worked to start it one time but then stopped even when I left vegas open on my screen when I went to bed. I have now blown a deadline on editing a podcast and can't work. Does anyone know why this happens and how I can fix it? I am using Windows 10


vkmast wrote on 11/22/2021, 7:13 AM

"If it worked before", at least try resetting first. Instructions here. Follow exactly.

Monica-Eng wrote on 11/22/2021, 7:28 AM

I just did and I kept getting a window that says do you want to allow this program to make changes to your device and I said yes and the window came back and then disappeared and that was i. I still can't open Vegas or any vegas files.


Monica-Eng wrote on 11/22/2021, 7:29 AM

it says Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device. Is there any Vegas phone hot line to call anywhere? This is just awful.

Monica-Eng wrote on 11/22/2021, 7:35 AM

It never asks me anything about resetting. It just asks if I want to allow the app to make changes to my device.

vkmast wrote on 11/22/2021, 7:39 AM

I assume you followed the instructions exactly? If so and if bought from the website's online shop, you may need to contact VEGAS Support, advice here.

rraud wrote on 11/22/2021, 11:53 AM

If all else fails , short of a tech support ticket, you can try an uninstall and reinstall. I recommend using a third-party uninstaller that can remove left-over registry entries and other pertinent data the OS uninstall leaves behind, which in usually the root of recurring issues
Revo Uninstall and Geek Uninstall are two that have pro and freeware versions. I have been a Revo user for many years, and Magix usually recommends it when an uninstall/reinstall is necessary.