Cannot open Vegas Effects from Vegas Pro on subclips

Mickael-Lacoste wrote on 1/5/2023, 6:28 AM

Hi all, I'm a new Vegas Effects user (recently bought Vegas Post) and I'm surprised about an issue on something that seems to be "basic".

I want to add effect by Vegas Effects on a subclip named Test:

  • I right click on my event on timeline

  • I select the menu "Edit in VEGAS Effects"
  • and the following error message is raised ("An error is raised while operation, file cannot be created"):

With events based on video file, no issue, Vegas Effects opens. But it doesn't work on subclips !

Is there something I miss ?


Mickael-Lacoste wrote on 1/9/2023, 2:41 PM

A ticket was opened and support team reported that my issue was reproduced, "it's raised to QA team for further testing".

VEGASDerek wrote on 1/9/2023, 4:51 PM

I was informed about this from the support the moment, VEGAS Effects is unable to work with a subclip. It is something we know about and is a deficiency with the VEGAS Pro-VEGAS Effects workflow. We do have this feature logged in our backlog and will work with FXhome to hopefully come up with a solution at some point in the future.

Mickael-Lacoste wrote on 1/10/2023, 4:56 AM

I was informed about this from the support the moment, VEGAS Effects is unable to work with a subclip. It is something we know about and is a deficiency with the VEGAS Pro-VEGAS Effects workflow. We do have this feature logged in our backlog and will work with FXhome to hopefully come up with a solution at some point in the future.

Thanks, it's clear now. My workaround is to righ-click on clip event, click on "open media parent in trimmer", right-click-drag trimmer selection on my clip event, click on "add as a take". But as you say, it's not good enough for the workflow. Hope you will manage to allow clip event link..

Miguel_F wrote on 2/6/2023, 9:17 AM

A ticket was opened and support team reported that my issue was reproduced, "it's raised to QA team for further testing".

I have exactly the same problem. The thing is that I am using the 30 day trial (9 days left for vegas) and I haven't been able to use Effects at all - and this is important do decide if I get the Post or the Pro suite.

Mickael-Lacoste wrote on 2/6/2023, 10:45 AM

I have exactly the same problem. The thing is that I am using the 30 day trial (9 days left for vegas) and I haven't been able to use Effects at all - and this is important do decide if I get the Post or the Pro suite.

On m y side, except when I want to use VEGAS Effects on subclips, no issue on "classic" event. I can drag video clip, cut at the beginning and at the end and open VEGAS Effects on it. I was using Pro since last year but I went to Post and I appreciate VEGAS Effects.

vkmast wrote on 2/6/2023, 11:46 AM

@Miguel_F please see this comment (and the next one below that).

Miguel_F wrote on 2/6/2023, 4:10 PM

Let's hope it can be solved/changed, so the differences between products can be trialed. Thank you @vkmast.