Was "Disable Resample" Removed from Movie Studio Platinum 14.0?

michael-zander wrote on 2/24/2017, 9:44 AM

I sent in a service ticket to Magix on this topic as well, but it's been several days and I haven't heard anything from them. I was hoping the community might be able to help me on this one.

Recently I updated to Movie Studio Platinum 14 from Movie Studio Platinum 11. 11 has served me well for years, but if you're editing 1080p60 video, that video proxy feature is a godsend. When I received a message from Magix offering a discounted upgrade to the new release, I took it.

So far, it's exactly what I wanted... except for one critical feature that renders the entire program a digital paperweight.

Since Version 3 of Vega Movie Studio, a resample feature was introduced to fill in dropped or missing frames when an event's framerate does not match the timeline. This is called the "smart resample" feature. Only problem is that the resample feature makes the output video look terrible, and basically blends adjoining frames together to fill in dropped or missing frames. If you're editing gameplay footage, which is subject to frequent frame drops, it makes the resulting render look blurry and desharpened.

Movie Studio Platinum 11, 12, and 13 (and most likely down to Version 3, to my knowledge) allowed you to manually disable this feature by manually selecting the video events on the timeline, right clicking, going to switches, and selecting "disable resample." This makes gameplay footage in Vegas look significantly better upon output.

The problem is, this feature seems to be missing from Movie Studio Version 14.0 altogether, at least as of writing. I checked in the help system, but it says that the feature should be in the exact same place it was in previous versions. Did Magix remove this basic, critical feature from Vegas, or am I simply looking for it in the wrong place?


3POINT wrote on 2/24/2017, 12:27 PM

In VegasPro 14 the resampling options have been moved into the project options settings and are valid project wide, which makes more sense. Probably this principle should also be implemented in VMS14, but is not working yet. Definitely a bug.

michael-zander wrote on 2/24/2017, 1:47 PM

I also cannot find it, although it's mentioned in the Help.
This function is a bit changed in the Pro 14 version, but did you try a render to another framerate seeing the blurry?

Since I edit video game content, I often insert clips of games running at varying framerates. For my upcoming video, for example, the primary game runs at 30fps, but I'll also be inserting footage of other games that run at a full 60fps. While I'm sure the main game footage would look much better if I set the project to 1080p30, seeing as Vegas wouldn't be adding a matching resample frame in between every actual frame, it means I won't be able to insert 60fps footage at the full framerate. This also doesn't solve the problem of dropped frames in 60fps footage.

michael-zander wrote on 2/24/2017, 1:53 PM

In VegasPro 14 the resampling options have been moved into the project options settings and are valid project wide, which makes more sense. Probably this principle should also be implemented in VMS14, but is not working yet. Definitely a bug.

I hope so. Part of me is afraid that it's become a Pro exclusive feature or something. Part of me hopes that they plan to patch it back in later. All I know is that there definitely isn't a global resample option in the Project Properties window in Movie Studio Platinum 14.

ColdHardDrewth wrote on 2/27/2017, 2:55 AM

Yes this bothers me... does this mean everything is automatically re-sampled because I always DISABLED that.

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz   3.70 GHz
Installed RAM    32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition    Windows 11 Home Insider Preview
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎7/‎14/‎2022
OS build    25158.1000

gary-rebholz wrote on 2/27/2017, 10:39 AM

We are going to make sure video resampling works in the next update. Sorry about that...

samuel-g wrote on 2/27/2017, 4:01 PM

We are going to make sure video resampling works in the next update. Sorry about that...

Thanks for being so active on the forums MAGIX :)

Markk655 wrote on 2/27/2017, 9:37 PM

We are going to make sure video resampling works in the next update. Sorry about that...

Thanks Gary! I second Samuel's sentiment. We appreciate that you're here!

ColdHardDrewth wrote on 3/1/2017, 3:23 AM

Ah, so it is something that's wrong.

Wow Gary, that's really cool of you! Thank you for the transparency!

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz   3.70 GHz
Installed RAM    32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition    Windows 11 Home Insider Preview
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎7/‎14/‎2022
OS build    25158.1000

Brandigan wrote on 3/2/2017, 11:50 AM

Dang it, I just upgraded from SMS13 to VMS14 yesterday and immediately missed this feature. I hope it is not implemented project-wide unless you can also override it for individual clips.

For a specific example: I recently had a project with 30fps and 60fps footage on a 30fps timeline from iPhones, iPads, GoPros, Canon and Sony cameras. All of that was set to disable resampling. But, I also had some timelapses, which looked much better slowed down by 33% with resampling turned on, which worked really well to add to the ghostliness of people and cars moving around. With resampling off, it just looks jerky. Not often I need resampling on, but when I do; I need to be able to control individual clips.

Is there any indication as to how often updates are expected to come out? I have built 105.

I'd assume they'll be more frequent at the beginning than as the product settles in more. That said, I'm immediately enjoying the 'normal sized' interface after the 'big buttons' of SMS13, which I used as little as possible and tended to do most things in SMS12.

Former user wrote on 3/5/2017, 12:39 AM

We are going to make sure video resampling works in the next update. Sorry about that...


You promised this to us a week ago, but it has not been fixed yet. How long do we have to wait? Currently, I can not render any videos at all, and my business is suffering for it. Every single video is being heavily re-sampled and coming out blurry. Considering that the community has been screaming and yelling about this broken feature since VMS11 and possibly older, when will the Vegas team allow us to turn OFF resample by default, and keep it off? If i edit a video, and forget to turn off resample, 4 hours later I come back to a mess of a blurry disgusting worthless video, and all that time, electricity, and wear on my computer and equipment is wasted and I have to start all over. PLEASE fix this issue once and for all. I have never seen anyone in the community who would want resampling defaulted to on, and maybe 1% that use it at all.

NickHope wrote on 3/5/2017, 1:46 AM

..when will the Vegas team allow us to turn OFF resample by default, and keep it off?

I very much doubt you'll see that feature in Movie Studio.

Former user wrote on 3/5/2017, 3:01 AM

..when will the Vegas team allow us to turn OFF resample by default, and keep it off?

I very much doubt you'll see that feature in Movie Studio.

That is pathetic! They refuse to add a simple checkbox to solve a problem that their customers have been complaining about for years? I was really hoping Magix was going to make improvements. So far all i have is a new UI and a blurry render. Lol. Gonna wait till they officially respond to my support ticket, but if the "disable resample switch" isn't fixed soon, i'm going to have to return the software and go back to VMS11. Too bad. I've got three fully edited videos in VMS14 format that'll have to be started from scratch in VMS11. Kinda pissed off at myself for upgrading. Maybe we'll get lucky and Magix will actually do the right thing and fix this asap.

3POINT wrote on 3/5/2017, 4:04 AM

've got three fully edited videos in VMS14 format that'll have to be started from scratch in VMS11.

You can always try to copy/paste your VMS14 timeline into a VMS11 timeline or use Versionsfaker http://www.focusonvegas.com/movie-studio-vegas-pro-version-faker-msvpvf-update-v1-2/ when you can't wait till the Vegasteam has solved this bug.

VEGASDerek wrote on 3/5/2017, 6:56 AM

Maybe we'll get lucky and Magix will actually do the right thing and fix this asap.

Rest assured, this will be restored in the next update.

tim-frost wrote on 3/5/2017, 7:05 AM

Thanks Derek. Just out of interest, is there an approximate time line for updates?

VEGASDerek wrote on 3/5/2017, 10:05 AM

At this point, I'm not sure when the higher-ups intend to have the next update available. I would imagine that we would release something in the next couple months, but nothing is imminent right now. I can tell you that in the code base, I have already put this feature in place, so it will be there.

tim-frost wrote on 3/5/2017, 11:20 AM

Thanks Derek, understood. But I should say that whilst some issues have easy get-rounds , some will be a pain for the early adopters for a couple of month - eg only way round this one I can see is to copy/paste the slow mo clips into 13 , render and bring the final version back into 14 - so the sooner the better for the next build to address this sort of stuff.
I suppose this comes with the territory for being impatient to get into the latest version!. Apart from that though - the workspace is so much better - a good step forward from 12 & 13.

Former user wrote on 3/5/2017, 2:50 PM

At this point, I'm not sure when the higher-ups intend to have the next update available. I would imagine that we would release something in the next couple months, but nothing is imminent right now. I can tell you that in the code base, I have already put this feature in place, so it will be there.

MONTHS!?! No way can i wait that long. ... Glad you are working on fixing it, though. ... Looks like i'll have to roll back to VMS11.

Former user wrote on 3/5/2017, 2:58 PM

've got three fully edited videos in VMS14 format that'll have to be started from scratch in VMS11.

You can always try to copy/paste your VMS14 timeline into a VMS11 timeline or use Versionsfaker http://www.focusonvegas.com/movie-studio-vegas-pro-version-faker-msvpvf-update-v1-2/ when you can't wait till the Vegasteam has solved this bug.

The copy-paste from 14 to 11 didn't work. But that link is a godsend!!! Thanks dude!!!

3POINT wrote on 3/5/2017, 3:05 PM

Better thank FocusOnVegas, for making such brilliant Vegas tools. At least we could make your day...😏

Last changed by 3POINT on 3/5/2017, 3:06 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

3POINT, Theo Houben, Vegasuser since version 5 and co-founder and moderator of the Dutch Vegasforum https://www.vegas-videoforum.nl/index.php

Recware: DJI Osmo Pocket/Mavic Mini, GoproHero7Black, PanasonicFZ300/HCX909.

Software: Vegaspro365+Vegasaur, PowerDirector365, Davinci Resolve 19

Hardware: i910900k, 32GB, GTX2080super, 2x1920x1200 display

Playware: Samsung Qled QE65Q6FN, Philips 55PFL7108

axel-mayne wrote on 3/17/2017, 5:40 PM

Any ETA. on the update then? :-) i really need this setting. btw i pretty new to Movie Studio doss the program notify me when there is a new update?

EricLNZ wrote on 3/17/2017, 6:51 PM

It appears that with MS14 in its current accidentally problem condition, whilst resampling is on by default when dealing with source material that has a different framerate, when slowing down clips on the timeline it is actually disabled. I say this because it gives the same problem as I've recently discovered with MS13. Namely bad jerkiness when dealing with interlaced source material. It appears the extra frames are created before deinterlacing (I always use interpolation for deinterlacing) instead of after deinterlacing.

If you slow down an interlaced clip to 50% then the original frames taken by your camera, prior to camera interlacing, instead of being rendered out as 11223344556677 etc are rendered as 1212343456567878....I find something similar was mentioned years ago on the forum under a Vegas Pro thread but it was obviously never fixed. I'm PAL. I don't know if the problem applies to NTSC. Fortunately I can work around it by re-rendering my 50i material to a 50p file and use that on the timeline instead. I don't get ghosting when slowing it down as MS14 is not resampling my 50p file. Instead I get duplicate frames in the correct order which is what I want.

Chaingear wrote on 3/23/2017, 7:06 PM

Any ETA. on the update then? :-) i really need this setting. btw i pretty new to Movie Studio doss the program notify me when there is a new update?

This is a great question. I'm ok with waiting and using Sony's MS for now, but how will I know when the update is coming? Email?

vkmast wrote on 3/24/2017, 2:01 AM

Any ETA on the update then?

Something here: https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/v14-won-t-edit-panasonic-m2ts-video-awaiting-bug-fix--105918/#ca656634

how will I know when the update is coming? Email?

Your best bet is probably to "keep your eye on the News section here as all updates are announced here as soon as they're ready."