It seems that Magix has continued to muddy the waters, but I want to clarify for other Real Vegas users who might have not have realized this: Movie Studio 2022 is not related to Vegas Movie Studio.
I followed a link from a marketing email from Magix to this site, to be sold a product that doesn't belong here. I'm not posting this to start a flame war, but if I had known this before hand, I wouldn't have 'upgraded'. To send me an upgrade for a product that has the same name, from the same site, that isn't the same program, is frustrating to me. My hope is that Magix will reconsider the place it sells its not Vegas products and not allow them to detract from the goodwill it has fostered with its inherited Vegas users. I've used Vegas since v4 and have always found it quick and useful for editing. I didn't realize that Movie Studio 2022 wasn't a Vegas product until I purchased and installed it and then tried to fix it. Still trying....
If someone is looking to make the leap from Vegas Movie Studio, I would whole heartedly recommend moving into the Pro family. Vegas Edit is soooooo much of an upgrade over the MS 2022 option. If I had realized what I was actually being sold, that would have been my choice.
I'm sorry the Vegas forum peeps are in the middle of this and my hope is Magix will move the product to its home site and sell it there; so you may continue your good work with Vegas Pro! I hope this post isn't deleted, so that Magix will think about it and that maybe even one customer will be better informed.
Thanks for listening, have a great holidays!