I would like to know if there will be an upgraqde offer for those of us who own Sony Vegas Pro 13. (I have the SVP 13 Suite) As for now there is only a full price purchase option available. I would definately like to continue onboard Vegas Pro and move to v14 but not for the full price. Should I wait? How long?
Which is again something I pointed out a long time ago. I would rather think that as a long time user of Sony Vegas I am a PITA to Magix because my purchases are not reflected on their balance sheet or P&L.
Btw, today i've received the second Vegas upgrade info from Vegasaur. This is customer service
I got the same email which shows that customer service does exist. I also wrote back to let them know that I dont own Vegas 14 and propably never will but appreciate their support and hope that I can eventually get onto the Magix train and purchase Vegasaur too.
Without the long time customers of SCS Vegas there would not have been any MAGIX VEGAS.
Excellent point!!
I trust that MAGIX is a company that values the opinion of its customers.
I will not comment on that.
Again, it is up to the management of every organisation to decide what they charge for their product.
Yes and really no. It's the market situation that decides the price. Yes, you can ask $5000 for Vegas but you wont sell it. Maybe $249 is the right balance between the amount you can sell and the profit you can make, if so, good for Magix. As a consumer, I have to do the same calculation, cost of investment vs return and as of now that doesnt work in favour of VP14.
I'm just a hobbyist, so it doesn't hurt me very much. Only my very old loyal feelings, dating back to Video Factory 1.0, are being hurt these days. Ah, the days gone by! They were full of awesome forum folks and fiery posts! DSE, Nick Hope, John Dennis, Serena, Grazie, and MusicVid, OldSmoke, just to name a few, are veterans to whom I owe much. There was much excitement at EVERY Vegas update!
Magix, you have no idea of the caliber of people you are thoughtlessly kicking to the curb.
I feel bad for these pros who have to put up with such disrespect just to get the job done. Turn out the lights when exiting the forum....
Soon have a patch that fixes issues haha, you obviously never used Magix software before, go look at the way they have treated Indepedence customers, they are terrible at releasing fixes.
Vegas is still developed and maintained by a team in Madison that mostly consists of developers that have been there for years. On the development and technical support they appear to operate quite separately from Magix in Germany. They have been pretty reliable in releasing fixes over the years. Usually about 3 to 5 interim releases over the life of each release. I see no reason why that should change. We've been told that at least 2 of the new bugs are fixed and it's unthinkable that they won't release a fix for the serious memory issues in VP14. So I expect a significant patch in the not too distant future.
If you're feeling nostalgic, one thing that this new forum format does do, that the old one didn't, is allow you to easily go right back to the start (in the last millenium!) without clicking "Older Posts" 1604 times. Take a look: https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/vegas-pro-forum/?page=3342
>>>>Soon have a patch that fixes issues haha, you obviously never used Magix software before, go look at the way they have treated Indepedence customers, they are terrible at releasing fixes.<<<<
Don't use Independence, so cannot comment, but I have heard complaints about Samplitude too, while others claim to have no problems with Samplitude at all. So it could be ( and often is ) user set up problems
On my side I use Samplitude suite and it is probably the best DAW you can buy, Some plugins that come with it like Vandal and ammunition are awesome, I also use Zebra and Hive as my main synths and Addictive drums for drums. Never had any problems with any of this within Samplitude.
Independence has had no updates since it was bought by Magix, however, Engine (that is the commercial licensable playback device for content providers, based on independance) gets regular updates, Magix could not care less about users, and that is not a user set up issue ;)
Again, it is up to the management of every organisation to decide what they charge for their product. Try to go to Adobe or Cyberlink or Grass Valley and try to negotiate the price for 1 licene of of their NLE. That will not work out really. You can decide to if you purchase a license for of these products - but that is it.
And if you thinks about about revenue increases I wonder how you will know that really. Do you know the price elasticity for these type of products? I do not know that, so if you know that please tell us. But if you do not know that then you cannot know if overall revenues will be higher at a lower or at a higher price point.
And if one believes in shareholder or stakeholder capitalism - well even if you choose the stakeholder side, then there are different stakeholder groups with different interests. Or do you think that the perspective of employees is the same as of customers or tax authorities or even banks?
This argument is a red herring. None of us know any of this information, including you, so your claim that this negates our complaints is a moot point.
What we do know without a doubt and with the kind of precision that renders your suppositions redundant is that Magix offered new customer an upgrade for $199 and now wants to charge the rest of us $249. It doesn't take the financial acumen of a Magix share holder to work out that this is a bum deal. Please stop patronising us and provide a better argument to support Magix decision to discriminate against us. Somehow I doubt you have one.
Soon have a patch that fixes issues haha, you obviously never used Magix software before, go look at the way they have treated Indepedence customers, they are terrible at releasing fixes.
It is the development team in Madison that is still the same as in earlier days.
Again, it is up to the management of every organisation to decide what they charge for their product. Try to go to Adobe or Cyberlink or Grass Valley and try to negotiate the price for 1 licene of of their NLE. That will not work out really. You can decide to if you purchase a license for of these products - but that is it.
And if you thinks about about revenue increases I wonder how you will know that really. Do you know the price elasticity for these type of products? I do not know that, so if you know that please tell us. But if you do not know that then you cannot know if overall revenues will be higher at a lower or at a higher price point.
And if one believes in shareholder or stakeholder capitalism - well even if you choose the stakeholder side, then there are different stakeholder groups with different interests. Or do you think that the perspective of employees is the same as of customers or tax authorities or even banks?
This argument is a red herring. None of us know any of this information, including you, so your claim that this negates our complaints is a moot point.
It was not me to state that revenues would have been higher with lower prices. And the guy who beliefes that do not know if that is true. So you blame the wrong person.
But you confirm my point. because the users here do not have informations about price elasticity, nobody here can knows if revenues would have been higher at lower price points or not.
What we do know without a doubt and with the kind of precision that renders your suppositions redundant is that Magix offered new customer an upgrade for $199 and now wants to charge the rest of us $249. It doesn't take the financial acumen of a Magix share holder to work out that this is a bum deal.
If you think that it is not an acceptable deal then do not purchase. That is YOUR decision only. Is that so hard to understand really?
Please stop patronising us and provide a better argument to support Magix decision to discriminate against us. Somehow I doubt you have one.
Please accept that it is not up to you to decide what my opinion is. And for sure I will not accept an order like "stop patronising" from you.
I'm not ordering you to do anything. I'm asking you to stop perpetuating red herrings and disputing the facts (new customers received the upgrade for $199, old ones must pay $249.) If you can't take criticism then why are you dishing it out so forcefully? Your solution for those of us who have supported this product for years and are critical of the unfair pricing is to put up or shut up. Great customer relations!
It was not me to state that revenues would have been higher with lower prices. And the guy who beliefes that do not know if that is true. So you blame the wrong person.
But you confirm my point. because the users here do not have informations about price elasticity, nobody here can konows if revenues would have been higher at lower price points or not.
It seems you are again taking exception to my comment "Was the VP 13 + 14 at $199 an appropriate price to cover costs? Not likely, I saw that offer as a means to increase revenue." I did not state/believe/disbelieve anything of the results. I for sure do not believe they meant to decrease revenue.
$249 for VEGAS Pro. We have held that price steady and feel it is a fair price that honors your loyalty and also adequately funds our development efforts.
Considering this, what else was the 13+14 offer at $199 (other than "just weird", as a voice of reason said in a comment) than to see if they would increase revenue by testing "price elasticity"? It was left to existing users to compensate for the losses potentially incurred by this campaign to entice new users, as by their definition the offer price did not "adequately fund".
If you think that it is not an acceptable deal then do not purchase. That is YOUR decision only. Is that so hard to understand really?
If you read back this thread and comments on some other related forums, you'll notice that there are existing loyal users that have understood your recommendation and made that decision. I don't know how many, but I expect MAGIX knows.
Please stop patronising us and provide a better argument to support Magix decision to discriminate against us. Somehow I doubt you have one.
Please accept that it is not up to you to decide what my opinion is. And for sure I will not accept an order like "stop patronising" from you.
"Discriminate" is the keyword here. And making allowances for a possible language barrier, the need for "patronizing" seems similar to "Magix sales stating that they will "tolerate" installing Vegas on two machines if used by only one user."
Another point is if you or somebody else feel not satisfied with the actual offers. Fair enough for you others to say so.
Thank you. So I am allowed to quote this and agree: "Staying positive, I like to think that soon we'll have a patch that fixes the new bugs, we'll all be properly in the Magix database and mailing list, a more palatable November upgrade offer will come along, and that the future will bring real improvements to the software."
Note that the "ongoing standard" price still equals the "special" offer, which the quotee mentions is now again extended.
I won't purchase from MAGIX. I had an older Samplitude Suite and they would not offer an upgrade. The new one is do outragously priced it is not worth it. I am not paying 600 bucks for Vegas when they don't even support the old versions. Greedy old MAGIX can suck it.