VEGAS Pro 19 Update 5 (Build 643)


Cielspacing wrote on 7/13/2022, 11:29 AM

@Noel-Ong start your own new thread and include the information posted HERE, especially "B" and "C".

Without that information, no one can really help you. Especially, for me, who is not experiencing "multiple crashes".

Reyfox, while your post is informative to this particular case, can you point or inform those of us who have been waiting for an aggregate review on the disadvantages of updating to build 643?
So far what I gathered (probably erring on the pessimist side) is that there is a risk of losing presets, of missing work in progress and more issues mostly related to stored sessions. Plus there seems to be some possibility of having a problematic installation related to some specific software/hardware user configurations, and have lost track of actual new workflow/usage problems or crashes.

Coherently with this, I remain with build 550 installed. Since I upgraded from an earlier VEGAS version only months ago, I have been happily exploring the many new features in it and am not going to "escape" issues into VEGAS 20. Therefore with weeks and pages of user's feedback already accumulated, will welcome that review of the state of build 643.
Since this could be a complex task, a few relevant pointers or reasoned (or coming from seasoned users) advice would be appreciated. This would be useful even in case an additional VEGAS 19 build is released soon, cause we will have an evaluation base ready.
Thanks in advance.

Reyfox wrote on 7/13/2022, 4:36 PM

@Cielspacing the risk of losing your presets is real. You will loose them unless you use something like Vegasaur. I personally would never update in the middle of a project. And now that it has been all over the forums about you can not open a 643 in a previous build, you have to be careful in making sure you name your projects brought into 643 with an appendage of something.

As for installing 643, no problem at all. System specs in signature. I've opened some past complex projects from previous builds and versions in 643, again, being careful to rename the saves, and everything has been ok except how much system RAM is being used by 643. I've made several posts outlining this. I can take a project in 643, copy the timeline and paste it in VP18, and can see 643 uses (depending on the project) more to much more RAM. @Former user verified the same problem on his massive 256GB of RAM Ryzen Threadripper computer.

Does 643 work? Yes. But I still don't feel as comfortable with it as past builds. It's just a feeling....

Last changed by Reyfox on 7/18/2022, 8:03 AM, changed a total of 1 times.


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

RogerS wrote on 7/13/2022, 9:57 PM

While preferences were reset with 636 they should be carried over with a transition from 550 (but couldn't confirm myself as I went from 550-636. There was no loss of preferences from 636 to 643).

For presets (custom Fx presets, render templates, etc.) I saw no change from 550.

For usability of previous projects, also no change in 643.

So overall it's got some worthwhile bug fixes and improvements and no real downsides for most. In the unlikely event it doesn't work well for you you can go back to 550; just be aware of the incompatibility of projects saved in 643 as noted above. I'd finish a current project and be prepared to test it a little bit to be sure.

Given the time of the year I doubt there will be more revisions to 19- look at past update schedules.

Cielspacing wrote on 7/17/2022, 6:59 PM
So overall it's got some worthwhile bug fixes and improvements and no real downsides for most. In the unlikely event it doesn't work well for you you can go back to 550; just be aware of the incompatibility of projects saved in 643 as noted above. I'd finish a current project and be prepared to test it a little bit to be sure.
Given the time of the year I doubt there will be more revisions to 19- look at past update schedules.

@RogerS. Not sure about your "no real downsides for most" wording. Crashes have had a sharp rise with version 643. Plus issues in build 550 and previous are very real according to accounts in this forum and the actual acknowledgement of developers themselves. Add to that, Reyfox and others' measures about "how much system RAM is being used by 643"...

Given the time of the year I doubt there will be more revisions to 19- look at past update schedules.

Also for this guess of build 643 being the last materialization of continuous delivery in VEGAS 19, the above mentioned standing (and newly created) issues, would prove to be a significant reduction of its stability and lowered usage capacity resulting from a lower RAM ceiling.

I started using VEGAS-related versions at Sonic Foundry times, commencing with Soundforge as early as 1999, to then buy various other software from SONY Creative (SC) family like MovieStudio and others.
Since my work and craft is mainly with Audio; PostProduction, DJ, performances, etc. switched to MAGIX versions of SC when Spectralayers was updated and being sold together with Soundforge, both inside Samplitude X4 Pro Suite.
Around the same time saw the efforts MAGIX did both to ease the complex SC migration process and the new forums created to house our online communities. So soon put my trust into VEGAS by buying into V14 update.
That was 2017-2018. If we remember well, a majority of complaints of all kinds almost drowned these forums and only a few of us, really few (no more than 5 people I'd say) started to post with the focus on getting the community to voice issues orderly and asking for respect to the time and space of developers. At the same time wondering for responsiveness from devs part and truly welcoming when that two-sided respectful communication gave its early signs. Slowly first but kept building its pace.

Fortunately, old SC seasoned forum members integration brought their knowledgeable feedback together with a very able developer team (thanks Derek and patient MAGIX management) not long led to the results we have seen blossoming every time better, particularly in versions 17, 18 and lately 19.
For my part, happy with the change in tide, focused most of my forum participation into Samplitude, Spectralayers and other fora. From time to time came to check this forum, glad to witness its increasing maturity. All this happening at very difficult years while disruptive tech was being adopted; high variation in camera techs, new formats, GPUs, etc. all severely affecting a platform as wide and deep as VEGAS is...
That progressive stabilization of VEGAS' community correlated well with its incremental software stability; fixing historical bugs and improving its advanced workflow.
A communal effort had been accomplished.

However what had been happening at VEGAS took longer and only came to be with Samplitude later on (at a somehow similar time lapse with Spectralayers' software maturity). Samplitude also begun to ingrain the adaptive and responsiveness traits in its ADN, by enlarging the Beta testers team, reading and working with its community, valuing feedback and Feature Requests and also by implementing de-facto continual delivery by mean of fast urgent fix Updates and frequent regular feature Upgrades.

...With perhaps a crucial difference: Samplitude development is tied to its high-end level sibling "Sequoia". Also a DAW, but more advanced and a industry leader in relevant sectors like broadcasting. Possibly impelled by this, MAGIX has dedicated further efforts to release rather complete versions at the end of each version builds cycle. In the last years (3 latest versions at least) we users have witnessed Bug Fixing Updates even several months after the date a new version upgrade is released.
At the end, some versions might be regarded higher and better than others, but loyalty has been showing an increase and most significant promised features have finally been released at a functional level in most relevant cases.

Yes, there are standing historical issues and bugs that still remain and also yes, new versions keep improving the fixing process, at some cases, replacing the questioned feature/workflow entirely with better solutions to the whole area involved: New monitoring section, new plugin menu, revamped GUI, new improved audio engine and SRCs, these and a long etc. as anyone could see by reading release notes.

All in all, MAGIX Samplitude´s team shows commitment to loyal customers and respect for those who decide to remain using certain version, increasing loyalty and also retaining a wider customer base close in place, including segments that might decide to upgrade every two versions, or those that buy eventually when relevant new features/workflow improvements are introduced.

///I would very much admire if each development teams beneficial influence travels synergistically both ways; Germany and Boston, to and from. Each good trait getting integrated bettering us all; MAGIX the company, Dev, smanagement teams and user communities, all we that have been placing our efforts and good will in here.

fr0sty wrote on 7/18/2022, 11:47 PM

@RogerS. Not sure about your "no real downsides for most" wording. Crashes have had a sharp rise with version 643. Plus issues in build 550 and previous are very real according to accounts in this forum and the actual acknowledgement of developers themselves. Add to that, Reyfox and others' measures about "how much system RAM is being used by 643"...

Crashes are only occurring among a small sample of people, the majority of us have a rock solid version with 643. There are bugs in every build, but there is no evidence there are more bugs with this build than any other.

Last changed by fr0sty on 7/18/2022, 11:48 PM, changed a total of 1 times.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Former user wrote on 7/20/2022, 4:11 AM

b643. This simple project has no FX. It is a single piece of media duplicated. Top row uses mask, and is zoomed in, there is no feathering (a known slow down bug of Vegas) Bottom row is simple playback of media, no modifications.

Problem occurs when mask is offset, in this case by approx 4 seconds. I show the GPU power used because I would guess if the users GPU is not capable of 140watts the playback will be much worse. Media is NVENC screen recording, nothing special.


Vincent-Brice wrote on 7/21/2022, 3:27 AM

@RogerS. Not sure about your "no real downsides for most" wording. Crashes have had a sharp rise with version 643. Plus issues in build 550 and previous are very real according to accounts in this forum and the actual acknowledgement of developers themselves. Add to that, Reyfox and others' measures about "how much system RAM is being used by 643"...

Crashes are only occurring among a small sample of people, the majority of us have a rock solid version with 643. There are bugs in every build, but there is no evidence there are more bugs with this build than any other.

It's funny, my experience has gone from "constant crashes" to "rock solid" with just the click of "Enable legacy AVC decoding". I honestly don't think I've had a crash since (though I haven't installed plugins). I initially resisted this setting because I thought I would be running substandard performance but I've since found this is not the case in most situations at all 😊

Gigabyte Aorus Pro V2 motherboard, AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, Gigabyte AMD RX 6800XT, 64GB Corsair Vengeance 3600MHz ("Ryzen tuned", whatever that is), 500GB Corsair Force MP600 Gen 4 M.2 C:drive for windows and programs, 500GB Samsung Sata SSD EVO D:drive for video files, 1TB Samsung Sata SSD EVO E:drive for all other data, Gigabyte Aorus Waterforce 360 CPU cooler, Thermaltake Core P5 TG open case, Contour ShuttleXpress.

Windows 11 Pro 24H2, Vegas Pro 22 (Build 194)

Former user wrote on 7/21/2022, 7:25 AM

It's funny, my experience has gone from "constant crashes" to "rock solid" with just the click of "Enable legacy AVC decoding". I honestly don't think I've had a crash since (though I haven't installed plugins). I initially resisted this setting because I thought I would be running substandard performance but I've since found this is not the case in most situations at all 😊

@Vincent-Brice It's because you have a 12core CPU, all the work the GPU decoder did, now the CPU must do, it's just we have enough processing power to take up the slack when it comes to most AVC's. If you got 2 - 6 cores more likely you need the GPU decoder. If you look at my video above, that's another bug of the GPU decoder, and does not occur with Legacy decoder.

Also the default GPU decoder, with GPU decoding unticked is also more stable, you would use when a file type is not compatible with Legacy. I have found though, the decade old Legacy Sony decoder is more efficient and uses less CPU than the Magix decoder (with GPU decoding turned off)

Freefly wrote on 7/23/2022, 9:21 AM

I have to say that since updating just last week, I am having a nightmare with Vegas Post/Pro 19 (build 643).

Everything was fine with the previous version of Vegas Pro 19 but since updating I cannot use it. I am having to use Vegas Pro 18. I have even just paid for Vegas Post 20 in the hope this issue will be fixed.

When I import a few 5.9k videos into Vegas 18, everything is fine and it all loads, plays and edits perfectly.

However, when I do the same in the latest Vegas 19, it crashes EVERY time rendering the software useless. I tried the "Enable legacy AVC decoding" suggestion above to no avail. See the 3 minute video below. I had to resort to using my phone to record the screen for Vegas 19 as it crashed everything, including my graphics driver sometimes...

Any ideas please? Thanks...


Reyfox wrote on 7/23/2022, 9:44 AM

@Freefly, when going to your Vimeo link, it says unauthorized.

You do know you can go back to the previous working version of VP19, yes?


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

Freefly wrote on 7/23/2022, 10:00 AM

Hi Reyfox, I have changed the settings on Vimeo, my bad. I did quickly look to see if I could revert back but couldn't find the download or "how to" to go back a stage. Been very busy this week. Could you point me in the right direction please? Thank you.

Freefly wrote on 7/23/2022, 10:06 AM

It's ok, I have found it...

Freefly wrote on 7/23/2022, 10:38 AM

Yep. Downloaded v.636 and am using it now and all is well again. What DID you do there Magix? 643 is awful (for me anyway...I still love it : )

Reyfox wrote on 7/23/2022, 11:06 AM

@Freefly the link is now working. Is it possible to upload a sample of your raw video to the cloud? Does this happen when you try and add only a single video file?


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

fr0sty wrote on 7/23/2022, 3:55 PM

If your graphics driver is crashing, that's where you want to start. Use the driver update utility in VEGAS' help menu, they will recommend a new driver if you need to update, and provide a download button to automatically download it.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Freefly wrote on 7/23/2022, 4:40 PM

@Reyfox I have reverted back to the old copy now so can't check. But it did allow me to slowly load one at a time but would eventually crash. Like I said though, using the previous version now has fixed the problem. I can now edit as normal again.

Freefly wrote on 7/23/2022, 4:42 PM

@fr0sty My graphics driver only crashed now and again but I had updated the driver when it still happened. Checked the driver with Vegas and I have the latest installed. Reverting back to previous version of Vegas has fixed the issue. Not sure what caused that with 643 but hey ho. I will wait for the next update which is due soon I think.

TimothyJ-Hays wrote on 7/26/2022, 12:10 PM

Selection length? Anyone else having this problem? Long time Vegas user: installed v19 build 643 and when I make a selection (double-click, or drag selection) all previous versions of Vegas used to indicate length at the bottom-right, but now I only see absolute in & out times. I commonly render a selection and I want to know the length. Is there an option to make this re-appear?

j-v wrote on 7/26/2022, 2:01 PM

Anyone else having this problem?

Not with me

but what do you see? Screenshot please.

met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


vkmast wrote on 7/26/2022, 3:01 PM

Please see if the solution in this old comment applies to your case.


Todd-Fink wrote on 7/26/2022, 3:47 PM

Does anyone know how long before the next update? Since downloading build 643, I have been pulling out my hair. Everything is slow, crashes all the time, and I'm getting a fraction of the work done I did before. My other employee and I make our living from video editing, and I'm losing tons of money with Vegas right now. To say I am disappointed would be an understatement. I hope Vegas will produce a stable upgrade before releasing new builds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like I need to go back to build 636 as others have done. I have tried every trick, setting, etc., but nothing works well. Every setting crashes, but some more than others.

Vegas certainly will not handle 10-bit media. I had to convert every 10-bit video to 8-bit even to have any ability to edit (this has cost me hours of time). Even so, the program is lethargic and unstable. I did a recent post where I thought I had fixed this issue, but things seem to be going from bad to worse.

Last changed by Todd-Fink on 7/26/2022, 4:06 PM, changed a total of 2 times.

Desktop Computer

Windows 11 Pro

AMD RyzenTM 9 7950X 16-Core, 32-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor

128 GB RAM

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090

GIGABYTE X670E AORUS Master Motherboard



j-v wrote on 7/26/2022, 4:23 PM

Does anyone know how long before the next update?

The only question of you I can answer.
There will not be an update for VPro 19, that works luckely very stable for me after a default install and with all normal options.

met vriendelijke groet

Camera : Pan X900, GoPro Hero7 Hero Black, DJI Osmo Pocket, Samsung Galaxy A8
Desktop :MB Gigabyte Z390M, W11 home version 24H2, i7 9700 4.7Ghz,16 DDR4 GB RAM, Gef. GTX 1660 Ti with driver
566.14 Studiodriver and Intel HD graphics 630 with driver
Laptop  :Asus ROG Str G712L, W11 home version 23H2, CPU i7-10875H, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Studiodriver 566.14 and Intel UHD Graphics 630 with driver
Vegas software: VP 10 to 22 and VMS(pl) 10,12 to 17.
TV      :LG 4K 55EG960V

My slogan is: BE OR BECOME A STEM CELL DONOR!!! (because it saved my life in 2016)


fr0sty wrote on 7/26/2022, 7:19 PM

Vegas certainly will not handle 10-bit media.

I edit exclusively 10 bit media in VEGAS. If you must, use proxies.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

Former user wrote on 7/26/2022, 8:13 PM

Does anyone know how long before the next update?

The only question of you I can answer.
There will not be an update for VPro 19

@j-v Opinion or fact? VP15 and VP17 had updates after release of new version

@Reyfox Can you fully explain the memory problem you see, If you wanted to trigger it what do you do?

The project I noted that loaded at 3.2 GB, grew to 5.7GB, but today with looping for 10 minutes, project is 2.2GB, and it's not growing at all. loaded and played a few projects, went back to primary test project, it loads in at 2.3GB, and reduces to 2.2GB while playing. It doesn't give up it's Vram when project is closed, but neither does VP18