VEGAS Movie Studio 15 - General Discussion


Marco. wrote on 3/17/2018, 3:27 PM

Don't know if this is an option you want to use but you could set your "Interface type" to "Dark" in "Options/Preferences/Display". This would turn the design color of Movie Studio 15 to same as your VP15 screenshot shows.

Ooievaar wrote on 3/17/2018, 3:45 PM

😇 Oeps.
I didn't know that I could have the same black background. My son has used the program and changed some settings without telling me .....

For now the problem of hard-to-read is over, but I prefer to use the gray variant, so my question remains: please make the text white as well for the gray-variant.


Marco, thanks for your help! 👍

*MB: ASRock X570 Creator / Ryzen 7 3800X / 32GB DDR4 *Graphics: GF GTX 1050 Ti STRIX O4G
*System disk: M.2 500GB Kingston 2000 *Render disk: M.2 1000 GB *Data disks: 4x
Win10x64 Prof / Movie Studio Pl. 17 / Cam: SONY HDR-HC3E

VEGASDerek wrote on 3/17/2018, 4:40 PM

Yes, I think this is a known issue which also happens in Vegas Pro 15.

Yes, this issue with buttons getting hidden under the scroll bar is a known issue and is in our bug backlog. We have prioritized the bug, but other issues have been prioritized higher, which is why we have not been able to get to fixing it yet.

des-condon wrote on 3/18/2018, 11:07 PM

I downloaded the full Suite 14th March and tried a new simple project the next day. The UI is more workable, easier to see features that were, unfortunately, difficult to see in v 14. Otherwise the working of v 15 appears to be pretty much the same.

That is until I clicked Make Movie and received the response, repeatedly, "An error occurred while creating the media file (named).mp4 The reason for the error could not be determined."

Wondering if anybody else has received this or a similar response and how to work around it?

My work-around was to copy the long scrolling text, that I had taken some time to create from, v 15 to v 14 successfully - I was surprised as I expected to be warned of incompatibility of the .vf files between the versions - , then the remainder of the project. And was able to render in v 14.

I have not opened VMSP 15 since, hoping for bug fixes to remedy this. Any thoughts?

Aardvark wrote on 3/19/2018, 3:43 AM

This is crazy... I can no longer render anything in MS14 if my computer is connected to the internet when I start the program.

If I start MS14 while connected to the Net, a window pops up inviting me to upgrade. I dismiss the window and from that point forward, any attempts to render will fail with a crash of MS14.

However, if I disconnect from the Net before I start MS14 I don't get the dialog and I *can* render projects.

Is this Magix's way of trying to force me to upgrade -- which I'd do, except there's no stable version of 15 yet available, even though we were promised one for last week. My workflow is completely screwed now!

Thanks Magix!

vkmast wrote on 3/19/2018, 4:16 AM

Aardvark, are you using the latest/last build of VMS 14 (Platinum?)? Or tried resetting?

Antsu wrote on 3/19/2018, 4:55 AM

I am trying to stay calm while describing the situation regarding MSP15's slowness in loading projects, but it isn't easy.

I open an MSP14 project in which I have invested MANY HOURS OF MY TIME, and it takes NINETEEN MINUTES to open.

I save it as an MSP15 project and it still takes NINETEEN MINUTES to open.

So I start again from the source files and recreate the project. I close and open it several times, this time keeping the MSP15 workspace open, and it loads in less than five seconds.

Then I close MSP15 and restart it and open the new native MSP15 file and it takes 20 MINUTES to open. I will break that down:

Displayed Percentage       Elapsed Time (mm:ss)

3                                          0:00
4                                         11:44
5                                         12:54
6                                         14:08
7                                         14:59
8                                         15:01
9                                         15:26
10                                       16:02
11                                       16:20
12                                       16:26
13                                       17:13
Finally loaded                     20:23

Then I close the project, keeping MSP15 workspace open, and it re-loads in less than one second.

After exiting and restarting MSP15, the project again takes 19-20 mins to load.

I have uninstalled the (unnecessary for me) HitFilm and Boris add-ons, but that has not helped.

Is some cache being flushed on program exit? Are peak data files / proxies being lost?

Why is it sitting at a low percentage for so long?

This is a fiasco. Please will someone from Magix tell me what is going wrong here, and how to fix it.


P.S. I have a reasonably fast PC (i7-6700/32GB/Win10) and have been running MSP14 (and its predecessors) fine, so it's not likely to be a hardware issue.


Mine is also very very slow, it's really annoying. My PC is also fast, all others work fine.

-kenny wrote on 3/19/2018, 5:18 AM

Our hope was to have the patch out this week, but we have discovered an issue with HEVC decoding (literally hours before we intended to post the update) that had to be addressed.

In reality, the performance problems in VMS are not a comparable to what was in VP15. While Movie Studio did have some of the same UI performance issues, the thumbnail and project loading issues were not related. We are rerunning the application through a final test cycle and the update should be very soon. The last thing we want right now is to post an update that is still unstable for our users.

what time? new Update.

vkmast wrote on 3/19/2018, 5:32 AM

--- We are rerunning the application through a final test cycle and the update should be very soon.---

what time? new Update.

Should be very soon?

dbadaniel wrote on 3/19/2018, 12:14 PM

Hi, I think i finded another bug.
Sometimes in windows preview i get some flashis black light.
I did the same project in VMS 14 and i not getting the same error.

oliverSpain wrote on 3/20/2018, 5:30 AM

Some way to disable header events in MSP15?

3POINT wrote on 3/20/2018, 5:47 AM

Some way to disable header events in MSP15?

No, VegasPro feature only. In the beginning I wasn't glad with this new feature of a event header, after working with it for a while, I appreciate the clean look of the timeline when you minimize tracks to its event header, especially tracks holding text, backdrops etc.

pioneer109 wrote on 3/20/2018, 8:15 AM

Does anybody know if any further information or a screenshots/video description on what this looks like....Jumpstart Templates, Vol. 1: Project Templates, Lower Thirds, Titles, and YouTuber Pack

3POINT wrote on 3/20/2018, 1:26 PM

These are short projects to achieve animated lower thirds, titles etc. The templates are made using several techniques available in VMS15. The only thing what me wonders are that for the animation of those templates keyframes are used for every frame to achieve realistic movement which cannot be done by hand.

An example and screenshot of project. See also the massive amount of keyframes used.

Last changed by 3POINT on 3/20/2018, 3:01 PM, changed a total of 2 times.

3POINT, Theo Houben, Vegasuser since version 5 and co-founder and moderator of the Dutch Vegasforum

Recware: DJI Osmo Pocket/Mavic Mini, GoproHero7Black, PanasonicFZ300/HCX909.

Software: Vegaspro365+Vegasaur, PowerDirector365, Davinci Resolve 19

Hardware: i910900k, 32GB, GTX2080super, 2x1920x1200 display

Playware: Samsung Qled QE65Q6FN, Philips 55PFL7108

henning334 wrote on 3/20/2018, 3:44 PM


This is the first time i participate in this forum..

I just want to say i came here to write the exact same thing as many others:
Loading projects in Movie Studio Suite 15 takes FOREVER! I haven't measured, but i have started loading a project, gone to take a shower, watched a 10 minutes video and come back to the PC still loading! I've also tried to resave the project as a MS15-project, but that didn't help..

I still have MS14 installed, and loading the same projects there takes less than a minute or so!

From what i could find here, there is a patch underway? If not; WE NEED A PATCH FOR THIS!

Thanks for creating good software that i still need to learn a lot more about :)


robbif2 wrote on 3/20/2018, 3:52 PM


This is the first time i participate in this forum..

I just want to say i came here to write the exact same thing as many others:
Loading projects in Movie Studio Suite 15 takes FOREVER! I haven't measured, but i have started loading a project, gone to take a shower, watched a 10 minutes video and come back to the PC still loading! I've also tried to resave the project as a MS15-project, but that didn't help..

I still have MS14 installed, and loading the same projects there takes less than a minute or so!

From what i could find here, there is a patch underway? If not; WE NEED A PATCH FOR THIS!

Thanks for creating good software that i still need to learn a lot more about :)


Be thankful your Suite 15 didn't affect your VMS14 as it did mine!

Aardvark wrote on 3/20/2018, 6:10 PM

Having been involved in large software project development for many decades, I know just how hard it can be to cope with bugs and user-expectations so the Magix guys have my sympathy. Sadly however, since my income is now dependent on delivering regular video content to my audience, I can't wait any longer for these problems to be fixed so I'm downloading Davinci Resolve and paying $300 for the studio version. I suspect that once I've worn the cost of the learning curve, I won't be returning to MS :-(

I'd have to say... didn't anyone from Magix actually *test* MS15 because the slow project load thing seems to be something that should have been caught in the process of such testing. Sadly, when it comes to software (as with everything else), you only get one chance to make a first-impression.

alderny wrote on 3/21/2018, 3:07 AM

so I'm downloading Davinci Resolve and paying $300 for the studio version. I suspect that once I've worn the cost of the learning curve, I won't be returning to MS

Aardvark I think you will be disappointed with Davinci Resolve. I gave it a long trial and then moved to VMS14 and really like it. Davinci is designed for pro studios and contains a lot of settings that are meaningless for home or small professional video production. It has things like a database of pro-cameras so it can adjust parameters to optimise their footage. In many ways it lacks in areas such as making titles, effects, transitions. It excels in colour correction and expects the user to be familiar with LUTs and Nodes.

If you do run Davinci then consider running it under Linux, which is a far superior OS to Windows.

Last changed by alderny on 3/21/2018, 3:08 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Used Vegas Pro since about version 14

Vegas Pro 22 (VP20 also installed)

Win 11 Home 64 bit, always updated

Intel Core i5 13400F, 10 cores/16 threads

32GB DDR5 RAM, 5200

Intel Arc A750 Graphics card

MSI Pro B760M-A Motherboard

Aardvark wrote on 3/21/2018, 3:19 AM

If you do run Davinci then consider running it under Linux, which is a far superior OS to Windows.

Don't worry... that's one of the other attractions of Davinci. The only reason I still have a Windows PC at this stage is because I was running Movie Studio 14, everything else I do under Linux.

As for all the unneeded functionality in Davinci, that's pretty much par for the course these days. Most people only use 10% of the functionality of their word-processor, spreadsheet or video editing suite. There is some very nice stuff I can see already though -- such as tracking, noise reduction, a far more configurable image stabilizer and other stuff that will *definitely* get used and which MS lacks.

I will still keep a copy of MS14 on-hand for legacy projects but I won't be updating to 15. I am sad to be leaving it behind but needs must... there are bills to pay and if I don't work I don't get paid myself.

3POINT wrote on 3/21/2018, 3:53 AM

I will still keep a copy of MS14 on-hand for legacy projects but I won't be updating to 15. I am sad to be leaving it behind but needs must... there are bills to pay and if I don't work I don't get paid myself.

Strange opinion, why not wait a few days before an update solves the VMS15 project loading problems and keep on working till that at your actual projects with VMS14. Which enhancements does VMS15 have that are not possible with VMS14? Can you load your actual VMS projects in Resolve? Do you have the same editing experience with Resolve as you have with VMS?

Last changed by 3POINT on 3/21/2018, 3:55 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

3POINT, Theo Houben, Vegasuser since version 5 and co-founder and moderator of the Dutch Vegasforum

Recware: DJI Osmo Pocket/Mavic Mini, GoproHero7Black, PanasonicFZ300/HCX909.

Software: Vegaspro365+Vegasaur, PowerDirector365, Davinci Resolve 19

Hardware: i910900k, 32GB, GTX2080super, 2x1920x1200 display

Playware: Samsung Qled QE65Q6FN, Philips 55PFL7108

Aardvark wrote on 3/21/2018, 5:20 PM

Strange opinion, why not wait a few days before an update solves the VMS15 project loading problems and keep on working till that at your actual projects with VMS14. Which enhancements does VMS15 have that are not possible with VMS14? Can you load your actual VMS projects in Resolve? Do you have the same editing experience with Resolve as you have with VMS?

Because there's no guarantee that it'll be "a few days". We were told it would be last week... but that's been and gone and now it's biting into cashflow because my even MS14 won't work when connected to the Net now (as explained earlier).

The learning curve in Davinci has turned out to be surprisingly shallow at this point so I'm already able to be productive again. I'm sure it'll take months before I learn all the details and shortcuts but it beats sitting around on my thumbs waiting for Magix to get MS15 sorted.

To be honest, even though they found another bug with HEVC it would have been smarter to roll out the fix for the slow project loading first and then deal with the other bug (which nobody seems too concerned about) at a later stage. Another old adage: "perfection is the enemy of good-enough".

3POINT wrote on 3/21/2018, 5:30 PM

To be honest, even though they found another bug with HEVC it would have been smarter to roll out the fix for the slow project loading first and then deal with the other bug (which nobody seems too concerned about) at a later stage. Another old adage: "perfection is the enemy of good-enough".

And "Haste makes waste".

Last changed by 3POINT on 3/21/2018, 5:30 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

3POINT, Theo Houben, Vegasuser since version 5 and co-founder and moderator of the Dutch Vegasforum

Recware: DJI Osmo Pocket/Mavic Mini, GoproHero7Black, PanasonicFZ300/HCX909.

Software: Vegaspro365+Vegasaur, PowerDirector365, Davinci Resolve 19

Hardware: i910900k, 32GB, GTX2080super, 2x1920x1200 display

Playware: Samsung Qled QE65Q6FN, Philips 55PFL7108

Aardvark wrote on 3/21/2018, 5:39 PM

And "Haste makes waste".

So you're saying that Magix should have done more testing on version 15 before releasing it in what is (for many people) an unusable state?

Reyfox wrote on 3/21/2018, 5:46 PM

I don't think they should have released it, but what do I know. I find that there are companies that are now driven by the "bean counters" and not the programmers/beta testers. They see release dates and sales. They see the competition releasing something "new" now, and they have to do the same in order to get sales because if someone buys the competition version, that's a sale that is lost. There is a ton of competition in the consumer editor field. A ton.


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300