
Marc-Gold wrote on 12/18/2021, 6:18 PM

Vegas Pro 19 hub explorer mobile uploads crashes Vegas immediately upon opening up. It used to work perfectly. until very recently. Any suggestions? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program already, but the problem persists.

vkmast wrote on 12/18/2021, 6:31 PM

"If it worked before", at least try resetting following closely the instructions.

Marc-Gold wrote on 12/19/2021, 11:34 AM

I've tried everything I can think of, reinstalling Vegas Pro 19, updating to the latest drivers, setting video preferences dynamic ram to 50%, turning off my GPU acceleration, clearing our cache and temp no avail. The second I open Hub Explorer and click on mobile uploads, Vegas consistently crashes. I could really use this function in my work flow filming with my iphone and uploading directly to Vegas. Any more ideas that might help? Many thanks in advance.

Marc-Gold wrote on 12/19/2021, 11:34 AM

How do I open a tech support request for Vegas Pro 19 365?

vkmast wrote on 12/19/2021, 12:32 PM

Support advice here.

Marc-Gold wrote on 12/19/2021, 2:39 PM

Looking for some help with a Vegas pro 19 crashing problem when accessing the mobile upload feature in the Hub Explorer. Cannot open this feature without crashing Vegas. Tried a complete uninstall and reinstall according to written instructions, deleted all files related to Magix and Vegas as instructed, did a Windows 10 system check, updated all drivers, and I don't know what else to try. This feature was working perfectly when I first installed the program. The reinstalled version has the same problem. I film with my iphone often and miss the ability to upload clips through the Hub. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Marc-Gold wrote on 12/20/2021, 5:10 PM

The installation of build 458 of VP 19 pro fixed the problem I had mentioned in earlier posts with crashes related to Hub Explorer. Thanks to all who offered advice.

CLAUDIO-MACHADO wrote on 6/8/2022, 2:23 PM

preciso de ajuda para editar com arquivoc 4k raw blackmagic no meu vegas 19 pro

vkmast wrote on 6/8/2022, 2:37 PM

@CLAUDIO-MACHADO please start a New Post (your own thread) for your specific case.