$200 for an upgrade... Conclusions


NickHope wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:13 AM

For those on a tight budget, or who aren't convinced yet, you can always wait and see if Magix knock $50 off for Black Friday (November 24th), like they did last year. By that time we'll probably have had a couple of updates with bug-fixes and new enhancements.

NickHope wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:15 AM
Whatever, I downloaded a Trial Version. I cannot get pass the the startup crash. It is still that annoying Microsoft .NET 3.5 error then crash. MAGIX cannot get pass .NET 3.5 ancient libraries.

Perhaps this? https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/semw-extensions-for-vegas-pro-15--108311/

Peter_P wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:15 AM

What's the latest version of DVD Architect? I have 5.2. Do I need anything higher?

No, I also use this version.

vkmast wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:16 AM


suhaib-siddiqi wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:21 AM
Whatever, I downloaded a Trial Version. I cannot get pass the the startup crash. It is still that annoying Microsoft .NET 3.5 error then crash. MAGIX cannot get pass .NET 3.5 ancient libraries.

Perhaps this? https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/semw-extensions-for-vegas-pro-15--108311/

I do not have SeMW extension on my system. I did troubleshoot the problem. It is not compatible with RedGiant Universe 2.1. RedGiant Universe is a set of popular plugins and if it causes crash of Vegas that means there was no extensive Beta testing with third party plugins.

NickHope wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:21 AM

What's the latest version of DVD Architect? I have 5.2. Do I need anything higher?

Latest version is "build 67", sometimes known as version 7. You're not really gaining anything with it over version 5.2 except sterescopic 3D Blu-ray and this bug:

suhaib-siddiqi wrote on 8/28/2017, 11:27 AM
Whatever, I downloaded a Trial Version. I cannot get pass the the startup crash. It is still that annoying Microsoft .NET 3.5 error then crash. MAGIX cannot get pass .NET 3.5 ancient libraries.

Perhaps this? https://www.vegascreativesoftware.info/us/forum/semw-extensions-for-vegas-pro-15--108311/

If price were $99.00 I would purchase VP v15 upgrade. Otherwise, I will use VP v14 to work on old saved projects and continue newer work in Davinci Resolve

Tom Pauncz wrote on 8/28/2017, 12:11 PM

All I can say is, I am extremely disappointed with the V15 offering. 249.00 seems an aweful lot for a new color scheme and 2-3 new plugins!

Thinking long and hard if it is worth it!! whatever happened to the loyalty launch discounts?


There's been NO loyalty since Magix bought out the products. Same thing happened with SONY VP13--> Magix VP14 upgrade.

Robert W wrote on 8/28/2017, 12:16 PM

What's the latest version of DVD Architect? I have 5.2. Do I need anything higher?

Latest version is "build 67", sometimes known as version 7. You're not really gaining anything with it over version 5.2 except sterescopic 3D Blu-ray and this bug:

We are approaching 5 years since that release, and that issue has still not been resolved.

marc-s wrote on 8/28/2017, 12:16 PM

I have had some weird issues with DVD Architect 5.2 since upgrading to Windows 10. Crashing, not being able to open saved projects etc. Is the latest version more compatible with Windows 10 or should I go back to Windows 7 like I'm thinking of doing?

NickHope wrote on 8/28/2017, 12:18 PM

What's the latest version of DVD Architect? I have 5.2. Do I need anything higher?

Latest version is "build 67", sometimes known as version 7. You're not really gaining anything with it over version 5.2 except sterescopic 3D Blu-ray and this bug:

We are approaching 5 years since that release, and that issue has still not resolved.

Haven't tested it myself, but I've never seen that bug reported as fixed.

NickHope wrote on 8/28/2017, 12:23 PM

I have had some weird issues with DVD Architect 5.2 since upgrading to Windows 10. Crashing, not being able to open saved projects etc. Is the latest version more compatible with Windows 10 or should I go back to Windows 7 like I'm thinking of doing?

Why not try it? You can have both co-existing on your system. Just be aware of that one bug in my last comment, which probably still exists but may not affect you. This is the download link for the latest DVDA version. If you don't have a license for it then you can trial it with either the VP15 Pro or Suite 30-day trial versions. All links in this post.

suhaib-siddiqi wrote on 8/28/2017, 12:33 PM

All I can say is, I am extremely disappointed with the V15 offering. 249.00 seems an aweful lot for a new color scheme and 2-3 new plugins!

Thinking long and hard if it is worth it!! whatever happened to the loyalty launch discounts?


There's been NO loyalty since Magix bought out the products. Same thing happened with SONY VP13--> Magix VP14 upgrade.

Customers pay their hard earn money for something which they believe is worth it. They do not pay to be loyal for anything a company sell them. NLE market is very competitive and with BlackMagic Slashing their Resolve and Fusion software prices by 60%, adding Fairlight Audio to Resolve and a lot of professional quality OFX plugins when version 14 of Resolve comes out, plus offering a free upgrade to previous users. Other NLE needs to stay competitive price and quality wise, otherwise I do not see just for the sake of the loyalty customers will hang around.

arkadiusz-buchala wrote on 8/28/2017, 1:03 PM

All I can say is that DVD Architect sucks! Right now I'm trying to finish my last project - and I don't even know if it's going to happen. Anyway, in the end I will probably throw install disc through the window :).

VidMus wrote on 8/28/2017, 3:27 PM

I did a system drive clone. Installed the trial version and I would say that it is worth the upgrade when it comes to my needs. Looks like a different NLE in a number of ways because of the new interface. The new interface takes some getting used to but it is a whole lot better! It runs and renders faster on my system. The ProRes finally works on my system. A bug with AVCHD with my older camera has been fixed.

How much this upgrade is worth depends on one's needs and how one looks at it. The default settings can bite you if you do not remember to change them.

Now if they can take care of the PayPal issue of not being able to use PayPal Credit, I will pay for the upgrade. They should contact PayPal on how to set that up.




marc-s wrote on 8/28/2017, 4:01 PM

If you need some of the included plugins it's not a terrible deal. I'm coming from Vegas 13 so I may upgrade to get the latest codec support and minor interface tweaks. If you don't have ColorFast already (I do) that is included with the mid-range version. It a decent color corrector (wish it had color wheels though) and fills some of what's lacking in Vegas native tools. Also from what I can tell the full version of Boris FX 3D Continum unit is included with all versions. That seems to be a good 2 and 3d titling + 3D object program I may have use for. According to Gary in an online article they will also be improving GPU support for AMD users in the future. Wondering if that will really pan out but I may take the chance.

Ultimately I'll probably switch to Resolve because of their dedication, color correction features and fast paced innovation. I do see myself using Vegas at least part time for the foreseeable future but I'm really disappointed in the lack of new features. Do they only have one software engineer working on the darn thing??? A year and a half with a few minor updates most of which are useless to me.

Grazie wrote on 8/28/2017, 4:46 PM

I'm still running DVDA4.5/5.0, when I need to.

gwyador wrote on 8/28/2017, 4:52 PM

I bought v14 shortly after release... I've been with vegas since version 1... I think for $249 for an upgrade... its not worth it. I suspect I'll take my money over to davinci resolve suite... seems to be a much more powerful tool and worth the extra 50$

very disappointed vegas user!!

suhaib-siddiqi wrote on 8/28/2017, 4:54 PM

... If you don't have ColorFast already (I do) that is included with the mid-range version. It a decent color corrector (wish it had color wheels though) and fills some of what's lacking in Vegas native tools. Also from what I can tell the full version of Boris FX 3D Continum unit is included with all versions.


It is ColorFast 1, which was free to download from NewBlueFX website. After the release of ColorFast2 NB removed the free download of ColorFast v1. Boris FX 3D Continuum included in VP 15 is an older version.

I did download the Trial of VP v15 and worked on 10 clips. It is a new interface with menu and context menu rearranged. The codecs under Render templates are rearranged under different sub menus. That is what I can make of new about v15. A few new additions not worth a $200 or $249 for the upgrade.

Marco. wrote on 8/28/2017, 5:00 PM

NewBlueFX Filters 5 Ultimate which is bundled with VP15 is priced $299. It is ColorFast 2 (which is priced $99 when purchased separately) what is in there. I wonder why you claim it'd be ColorFast 1.

mateuszszar wrote on 8/28/2017, 5:04 PM

Any discount coupon for SCVU (Sony Certified Vegas User)?

marc-s wrote on 8/28/2017, 5:29 PM

It's Colorfast 2 plus some additional new blue filters many of which seem gimmicky to me but some could be useful. I'm taking the trial version for spin. Anyone out there using the Boris 3D unit with Vegas? Curious how well it works in the real world. The titler which is part of it seems powerful. Seems that Magix is going the few new features and lots of third party plugin route to try and justify the price. Only problem is when you already the plugins or lose them on the next upgrade.

suhaib-siddiqi wrote on 8/28/2017, 5:37 PM

NewBlueFX Filters 5 Ultimate which is bundled with VP15 is priced $299. It is ColorFast 2 (which is priced $99 when purchased separately) what is in there. I wonder why you claim it'd be ColorFast 1.

OK, maybe I am wrong. Can you post the screen capture of NBFx versions information? Regardless, the users, including myself, who already have those NewBlueFX plugins, they need the VP Edit v15, and in that case I still believe upgrade price $199.00 is not worth it. Sorry, that is my opinion.


suhaib-siddiqi wrote on 8/28/2017, 5:39 PM

It's Colorfast 2 plus some additional new blue filters many of which seem gimmicky to me but some could be useful. I'm taking the trial version for spin. Anyone out there using the Boris 3D unit with Vegas? Curious how well it works in the real world. The titler which is part of it seems powerful. Seems that Magix is going the few new features and lots of third party plugin route to try and justify the price. Only problem is when you already the plugins or lose them on the next upgrade.

I have Boris 3D but not the bundled version and it works great with VP v14. No idea about bundled products