VEGAS Pro Feature Requests

pierre-k wrote on 4/30/2020, 7:02 AM

The list is getting so long that it will work for Vegas 18-25 😅


- stability
- open beta testing
- MagicYUV 10-bit support
- ARRIRAW .arw support
- SONY RAW / X-OCN support
- Canon Cinema RAW support
- GPU support for XAVC long
- GPU support for DJI.AVC, GoPro AVC, XiaoYi AVC (permanently deleted from the blacklist)
- Proper built in support for .mov files, re: Canon 5D Mk iv files
- AMD VCN encode and decode
- Native denoiser
- VST3 plugins support
- Plugin organizer
- Improvements to the current Media Manager
- 5.1 project with nvenc HW support output file rendering ready to play in one step without muxing offline
- import MKV with multichannel sound (Vegas could automatically convert DTS and AC3 to multi wav)
- export to MKV
- export subtitle track to SRT and SUB (as in Vegasaur)
- Change Time Stretch Ctrl + mouse to 0-1000%
- Better Optical Flow not in Video FX, but built-in program working with Velocity and Time Stretch Ctrl+ mouse
- Background rendering and better use of Dynamic Ram for smooth playback
- Luma Key and UNMULT plugin (Create an alpha channel for any image or video shot on a black or White background)

- Velocity -1000%
- Velocity for audio track
- Change Playback Rate in Properties at the event automatically adjusts the audio track as well
- Update Transitions (Zoom warp...)
- Adjustment clip
- Beziere Masking UI

- add Pin Effects to Motion Track (as in Vegasaur)

- Improved selection and visual indication of auto ripple modes
- Improved migration of all features between versions including project properties, windows layouts, pan/crop templates. Migration is currently a mess. New versions should inherit all those settings from previous versions.
- Memorize the custom size of the thumbnails (Explorer/Effects/ ...) and all windows

- select events by holding the right mouse button (as in Cockos Reaper)

- Improved native titler or upgrade Protype Titler with 3D text option (as in BluffTiler)
- add mirroring in the PiP plugin
- Improved besier keyframe curve, this will be a innovation for all plugins.
Improved vs Vegas non-improved keyframe curve:

- the ability to save an FX package which keyframes are placed at the beginning and which keyframes are placed at the end of the event.

- add more effects for transitions and all keyframe (as in Blufftitler, Vegasaur Tweener and many others)

- Pan / Crop - unlimited object zoom

- Automatable FX - just right click whatever knob in  and create Automation without clicking through the track itself.

- Contour Shuttle Control or Mouse Wheel Control on ALL Timelines.
- Resizing of Panes that’s logical.
- Safe Areas revealed on External Monitor, as it is in DVDA.
- Track Naming Box that’s NOT invisible.
- User option to remove EXPANDED EDIT MODE or remove double mouse clicks.
- Script to Collapse Selection and then re-invoke it.
- add the option Studio and Computer RGB to the Preview window
- close windows with ESC button
- Redesign of all audio plugins + Noise reduction
- Fix Vegas freeze when deleting events on the fly

- graphic design from alifftudm95

- suggestions from alifftudm95

- suggestions from Amivideotek

- suggestions from Adimatis



- add resolution change
- add FPS change (in Europe it is 25fps. Not 30fps)
- add bitrate change
- add Custom Area
- add path where to save files
- add Gallery of grabbed videos
- add the ability to select files in the gallery and right-click to send to Vegas in the context menu
- attractive UI (Get inspired by Nvidia G Experience, for example)


and other great suggestions below in the discussion.


I suggest that this list, including the discussion, be published in the Vegas Forum in the Important posts section, because it is a request from all of us for future versions of Vegas - 19 and higher.

The requirements met and the listed version of Vegas will be marked in red.




vkmast wrote on 4/30/2020, 7:13 AM

Please post further "Feature Requests" regarding VEGAS Pro 18 in this thread. It probably would save a lot of time for the devs as they could concentrate more on working with the features instead of needing to chase these requests all over the place. Thank you.

adis-a3097 wrote on 4/30/2020, 7:14 AM

- ARRIRAW .arw



pierre-k wrote on 4/30/2020, 7:18 AM

- ARRIRAW .arw



I added to the list

adis-a3097 wrote on 4/30/2020, 7:23 AM

- ARRIRAW .arw



I added to the list

Might add Canon Cinema RAW as well, while you're at it. :)

JN- wrote on 4/30/2020, 7:59 AM

Proper built in support for .mov files, re: Canon 5D Mk iv files as an example of long promised fix that never came. Link here and main thread here.

From Magix ... ”This is escalated to QA and Development, to be resolved in a future application version or update.” April - May 2019.

Last changed by JN- on 4/30/2020, 11:15 AM, changed a total of 4 times.


VFR2CFR, Variable frame rate to Constant frame rate link to zip here.

Copies Video Converts Audio to AAC, link to zip here.

Convert 2 Lossless, link to ZIP here.

Convert Odd 2 Even (frame size), link to ZIP here

Benchmarking Continued thread + link to zip here

Codec Render Quality tables zip


PC ... Corsair case, own build ...

CPU .. i9 9900K, iGpu UHD 630

Memory .. 32GB DDR4

Graphics card .. MSI RTX 2080 ti

Graphics driver .. latest studio

PSU .. Corsair 850i

Mboard .. Asus Z390 Code


Laptop… XMG

i9-11900k, iGpu n/a

Memory 64GB DDR4

Graphics card … Laptop RTX 3080

Sr_Garcia wrote on 4/30/2020, 9:45 AM

Memorize the custom size of the thumbnails (Explorer/Effects/ ...)

NickHope wrote on 4/30/2020, 10:13 AM
  • Plugin organizer
  • Improved native titler
  • AMD VCN encode and decode
  • Native denoiser
  • VST3 support
  • Improved selection and visual indication of auto ripple modes
  • Improved migration of all features between versions including project properties templates, windows layouts, pan/crop templates. Migration is currently a mess. New versions should inherit all those settings from previous versions.
  • MagicYUV 10-bit support

(Actually what I really want are a new Media Manager that can import libraries from the old Media Manager, and much improved Color Curves. Those would be life-changing improvements for me, but sadly I can't imagine either ever happening)

walter-i. wrote on 4/30/2020, 2:14 PM

Redesign of all audio plugins + Noise reduction

Memorize the custom size of all windows

Improved native titler or upgrade Protype Titler with 3D text option (as in BluffTiler)

add the option Studio and Computer RGB to the Preview window

add more effects for transitions and in Event Pan Crop (as in Vegasaur Tweener)

Plugin organizer

Improved native titler

Native denoiser

Improved migration of all features between versions including project properties, windows layouts, pan/crop templates. Migration is currently a mess. New versions should inherit all those settings from previous versions.

Marcin wrote on 4/30/2020, 2:16 PM

1. Better Optical Flow not in Video FX, but built-in program working with Velocity.

2. Background rendering

3. Velocity -1000%

4 Update Transitions (Zoom warp...)

5. Adjustment clip

lan-mLMC wrote on 4/30/2020, 4:06 PM

Improved besier keyframe curve, this will be a innovation for all plugins.

You can use improved besier keyframe curve to draw all kinds of exponential and other mathematical function curves, to make all kinds of great FX animation.


Vegas now non-improved keyframe curve: The handle's length doesn't affect the curve shape and can't draw exponential or some other mathematical function curves.


Improved besier keyframe curve should be: The handle's length does affect the curve shape and can draw exponential and many other mathematical function curves.



adimatis wrote on 4/30/2020, 4:11 PM

Not to be the party-pooper, but I am not very sure such a list would be anything else than maybe a source of frustration when you will not se it done... ;)

In the other thread, Derek mentioned clearly that "VEGAS Pro 18 development is well on its way and we are excited to present it to the world." So I am not sure the team is really looking for a list of features to be implemented now.

If I am wrong, all for the best. But probably I am not.

I could think of a ton of requests... If I could choose only one, that probably could be implemented easy, would be the one mentioned above: select events by holding the right mouse button (as in Cockos Reaper).

And another one, just as easy :) allow volume in audio events to be dragged to +30db. Or at least add a shortcut button for Normalization.

lee-g wrote on 4/30/2020, 6:04 PM

[Bug ]The keyframe is automatically created.
[bug] there are lines on the slide transitions
[Bug] transitions reverse

[Bug? ] free 4K resolution rendering
It was possible in the 16th version. It's like 21:9. 
and 360 Degree 4k 2:1 

[Bug] Enable all fonts
There are many invisible fonts.(Korea font)

[add] event pan/crop mask
add many Shapes
add free curve line with adjustable thickness

[add] INFUSION Engine

[add] powerfull defocus
2d - defocus with particles getting thicker.
3d - 3D detectable defocus

[add] project option - Full HD 1920x1080 29.970 fps 
I'd like this as the default option for the project.
Full HD 1920x1080 29.970 fps 

This is the most popular option on YouTube.
Beginners are blocked from setting up the project.

[fix] plug in use

[fix] Speed up reading from the explore
It is very slow when it is a lot of files.
Show the file first and read the details later in the background.
and Show me the hourglass.

[add] vegas all option import and export
videoFX and Media Generators and plugin chine etc...

[add] Zoom in and out of preview

[change] Title & Text
Make the writing window a lot bigger.

[change] expend track layers
dubble clock - defult option is disable

[change] Video Scopes Show in basic window

[change] audio fx plugin option
track defult plugin Track Noise gate,Track EQ, Track Compresser is delete
add defult master bus plugin eFX Limitter

[change] Create Slide show icon defult visiable icon

[add] Options - Hold left position when writing text like a Ms Word

[add] Background bars that change with the length of the text
The protype titler doesn't work well and there's no sizing option.

[add] Video audio FX Plug in -  change the screen to music
[add] VideoFX Plug in -  screen shake plugin
[add] VideoFX Plug in -  rotating blur
[add] VideoFX Plug in -  tile(Tile out the outside at Zoom in and out.) 
[add] A way to create custom transitions(use video FX) and share them very easily.


JJKizak wrote on 4/30/2020, 6:18 PM

You forgot automatic voice generated sub titles.


fr0sty wrote on 4/30/2020, 9:33 PM

There already is a way to make custom transitions and share them... look up vegas custom transitions on youtube, you'll find a bunch.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

lee-g wrote on 5/1/2020, 1:45 AM

YouTube에서 베가스 맞춤으로 전환 할 수 있습니다.

미안 내가 잘못쓴 부분이 있다

나도 많은 트랜지션을 만들었다

그런데 초보자들이 간편하게 사용하긴 쉽지 않은것 들이 많다
또는 유료 플러그인을 이용해야 되거나

유료 플러그인을 사용하지 않고 
베가스만으로도 초보자가 사용하기 쉬운 많은 트랜지션을 만들고 싶다

여러트랙을 합쳐서 한개의 트랜지션을 만들수 있는 방법이 없을까 ?

적용할땐 이미지(비디오) 2장만 사용하고

매직스는 아마 좋은 생각이 있겠지?


I'm sorry. I wrote something wrong.

I've made a lot of transitions, too.

But there are many things that are not easy for beginners to use.
Or you need to use a paid plug-in.

Without a paid plug-in 
I want to make a lot of transitions that are easy for beginners to use with just Vegas.

Is there any way to make a single transition by combining several tracks?
Use only two images(video) to apply.

Magix maybe he has a good idea.?


lan-mLMC wrote on 5/1/2020, 2:43 AM

@lee-g When saving a FX package, if VEGAS team add a feature to set and remember which keyframes should be placed in the begining of event and which keyframes should be placed in the end of event, Your goal  will come true.

After that, you just need to drag a FX package to clip B and some keyframes will automatically be placed in the begining of the clip.

If drag to clip A, some keyframes will automatically be placed in the end of the clip.


If this feature come true, I think it is not hard to add a feature to make it previewable.

Vegas can combine FX package A and FX package B to one "transition" FX package.

And the "transition" FX package's resault will be previewed in a motion thumbnail (containing thumbnail A and thumbnail B just like VEGAS Pro's common transition preview thumbnails), by automatically applying its Internal FX package A to the Internal thumbnail A and FX package B to the Internal thumbnail B.

When you need to apply a "transition" FX package, you just need to drag it to a clip, and it will automatically apply its Internal FX package A to the clip and FX package B to the adjacent clip.


VEGAS Pro will increase a great deal of previewable excellent man-made transitions based on a new "transition" FX package.

It may become VGEAS Pro's unique feature which all other NLEs don't posses.

ByronK wrote on 5/1/2020, 2:47 AM

Rather than more features how about a screen capture "feature" that works with AMD graphics cards. (:

fr0sty wrote on 5/1/2020, 2:49 AM

Works on my Radeon VII.



AMD Ryzen 7 1800x 8 core 16 thread at stock speed

64GB 3000mhz DDR4

Geforce RTX 3090

Windows 10


ASUS Zenbook Pro Duo 32GB (9980HK CPU, RTX 2060 GPU, dual 4K touch screens, main one OLED HDR)

pierre-k wrote on 5/1/2020, 4:22 AM

@lee-g When saving a FX package, if VEGAS team add a feature to remember which keyframes should be placed in the begining of event and which keyframes should be placed in the end of event, Your goal  will come true.

Yes, that's a great note.

bitman wrote on 5/1/2020, 5:12 AM

1) merge with Magix VPX (wishful thinking, probably to difficult, 2 different codebases I assume)

2) 5.1 project with nvenc HW support output file rendering ready to play in one step without muxing offline...

3) stability

4) open beta testing

APPS: VIDEO: VP 365 suite (VP 22 build 194) VP 21 build 315, VP 365 20, VP 19 post (latest build -651), (uninstalled VP 12,13,14,15,16 Suite,17, VP18 post), Vegasaur, a lot of NEWBLUE plugins, Mercalli 6.0, Respeedr, Vasco Da Gamma 17 HDpro XXL, Boris Continuum 2025, Davinci Resolve Studio 18, SOUND: RX 10 advanced Audio Editor, Sound Forge Pro 18, Spectral Layers Pro 10, Audacity, FOTO: Zoner studio X, DXO photolab (8), Luminar, Topaz...

  • OS: Windows 11 Pro 64, version 24H2 (since October 2024)
  • CPU: i9-13900K (upgraded my former CPU i9-12900K),
  • Air Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 G2 HBC (September 2024 upgrade from Noctua NH-D15s)
  • RAM: DDR5 Corsair 64GB (5600-40 Vengeance)
  • Graphics card: ASUS GeForce RTX 3090 TUF OC GAMING (24GB) 
  • Monitor: LG 38 inch ultra-wide (21x9) - Resolution: 3840x1600
  • C-drive: Corsair MP600 PRO XT NVMe SSD 4TB (PCIe Gen. 4)
  • Video drives: Samsung NVMe SSD 2TB (980 pro and 970 EVO plus) each 2TB
  • Mass Data storage & Backup: WD gold 6TB + WD Yellow 4TB
  • MOBO: Gigabyte Z690 AORUS MASTER
  • PSU: Corsair HX1500i, Case: Fractal Design Define 7 (PCGH edition)
  • Misc.: Logitech G915, Evoluent Vertical Mouse, shuttlePROv2



Serhii-Hadzhylov wrote on 5/1/2020, 5:50 AM

support rendering 4k 5.7k 8k. with a 1: 2 aspect ratio for 360 video

rambergmann wrote on 5/1/2020, 3:08 PM

FEATURES REQUEST #1 .. If it gets hard to read the text please do tell, so I may find another way to upload the image

rambergmann wrote on 5/1/2020, 3:11 PM

FEATURE REQUEST #2. All my request are UI related improvements that ARE CRUCIAL for the software to implement as soon as possible in order to stay competitive on this tough software market , I think they are easy to implement for the next version. Hopefully the vegas guys see my post. Best regards

adis-a3097 wrote on 5/1/2020, 3:40 PM

FEATURES REQUEST #1 .. If it gets hard to read the text please do tell, so I may find another way to upload the image


We don't want no cheesy chinese crap cd players from the 80s,

we want them classy beautiful legendary british audio mixers for studio recordings.

From the not 80s!