I have Vegas PRO installed on (2) PC's and can't get the video nor the audio editing to work on either one. I think I may need to tell the PC to work on just one of the PC's, but don't know how. Can someone help me out? You can email me at >deleted>. Thanks. (:
Not understanding what you mean by the video nor audio editing not working. Do you mean Vegas Pro is not starting up or opening up when you press the Vegas icon? ........ Be more specific by describing exactly what issues you are having and exactly what you are doing why you are not seeing any result.
Steve Rhoden, I believe the fact that I have the software installed on (2) computers may have something to do with this matter. That said, in the past I seem to remember having to give one pc alone full access of the features. Once I did that, all of the features would work on that one pc. More recently I cannot get either pc to have full access to the features working, such features as the Video Event FX editing tools, white balance, brightness and contrast, etc., nor the Audio Event FX editing tools, reverb, equalizer, etc..
Although I have the software on (2) pc's, I don't know if I were to do an uninstall, if it would correct the matter or not. I'm just puzzled as of what to try.
RogerS, Do know, I have owned several versions of the software over the year and am fluid on basic functions, as I have edited many thousands of videos mostly charitable organizations, weekly church services, etc..
The software does have some type of restriction now so that you can only have partial functionality on any second computer where the program may be installed. I understand that. However, at this point I can no longer to get all of the functionality to work on either computer. I also cannot recall what to do to possibly reset the program to possibly get it to work with full functionality. That is what I need help with. I need directions of how to get the plug-ins to work once again on either one of my two PC's. Thanks.
To activate your Vegas software on a second computer, go to your Magix Account and deactivate one of your existing installations. Then, you will have an activation open to register your other computer.
It's that simple; however, you cannot do this within the Vegas software program, as there is no function to do so.
Thank you for your patience with your peer users, who would not naturally understand your reported program issue as apparently being a registration / activation question instead. Welcome to the forum.
Do know, I have owned several versions of the software over the year and am fluid on basic functions, as I have edited many thousands of videos mostly charitable organizations, weekly church services, etc..
Also, thank you for sharing your extensive experience with video editing software. You may wish, for both reference and durability, to list that in your signature as I have done, rather than in a public post ;?)
Installation and activation are two different things. Vegas and most other Magix products can be installed on as many PCs as you wish (with a perpetual license), however it can only be 'activated' and used on two (2) PCs simultaneously. The 365 subscription version can only be activated on one (1) PC at a time
The software does have some type of restriction now so that you can only have partial functionality on any second computer where the program may be installed.
That is simply incorrect. The installations of the core editing program are identical, though if they are corrupted you can try a reset as Eric helpfully linked to. Are you talking about a third-party plugin which may be limited to a single activation/system?
Please share a screenshot or video of what you are experiencing as the issue is just too vague to understand.
UGHHHH! Something still not right! I got a popup asking me to register and activate. I hit that button and now I am getting watermarks in my Video Event FX plug-in edits.. Mercy..
The software does have some type of restriction now so that you can only have partial functionality on any second computer where the program may be installed.
No it doesn't. However, if Vegas Pro came with third party plugins, those plugins may be limited to being activated on only one computer at a time.
VERY IMPORTANT: You have uploaded an image containing the serial number of your Vegas Pro. This is a public forum so anybody who wants to access the forum can do so, including those who look for serial numbers to sell on the black market or via cracked/pirate websites. You are best advised to remove that image immediately.
EriucLNZ Dexcon, I probably just have too much trust in people. It's terrible that people can stoop to such lows. Thanks for reminding me though, I appreciate it.
By the way, everything is working fine now with the program. Thanks everyone!! (:
@James-Bryant glad it's working now, but one of your most recent comments was a clue: : if your video FX were showing visual watermarks, then your plugins (possibly non vegas/magix brands?) would be the culprit there. Could be a licensing/registration issue with just those plugs rather than with the Magix product. Just a guess.