Just wanted to say I’ve been missing the chats and so. Recovery is taking time. If our Esteemed Mod whats to boot this to off topic so be it 😎 - it’s all good.
@Grazie, I wasn't aware that you've been sick. Our team wishes the best to you, one of our long-time friends and most ardent supporters. Get well quickly. We need you back in the game.
But as a Brit, you're in good company -- or not, as befits your politic.
Both my grandfathers survived the 1918 flu. One, a purebred Viking, signed up at just seventeen, and fell ill while in Britain near the end of WWI. His pic is in my Sig.
Write every day if you wish. I will reply with diligence, if not a bit of irreverence.
Grazie, I will keep you in my prayers. Get well soon. My 14 year old granddaughter who has quadriplegic cerebral palsy and is tube fed since born was in the isolation unit in a hospital in New Jersey, USA with COVID-19. She was admitted on March 14. It was touch and go, they put her in an induced coma on a ventilator and antibiotics for a few days. She has survived and is getting released today. You got this my friend.
Former user
wrote on 4/13/2020, 3:27 PM
james-ollick, I am glad to hear your granddaughter is doing well. This is a nasty one, good health to you Grazie. And everyone stay safe. My wife is particularly vulnerable because of COPD. I am trying to be as safe as is possible.
Wishing you all the best and quick recovery. New York City has the highest Covid-19 infected area 65k case and 10,000+ people has die. This is freaking scary shi t. I live in New York State but out side of NY City and my County has 768 infected case and 19 dead.
@Grazie, due to my past chemo & radiation I greatly appreciate when you & others share their experiences overcoming corona and our family will definitely add you to our daily prayers. @james-ollick, as an educator, I have worked with medically fragile students & am so glad your granddaughter is getting better. It's heartbreaking when kids have so much stacked-up against them...
It's rough. I've been having breathing issues since just before New Year's Day (I ended up moving house thinking it was a reaction to an allergen, which seems to have helped some), so I'm hoping I do not come down with this as well, my lungs aren't ready for a fight right now. Staying at home as much as possible.